Chapter 93 - Franky's Arrival

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The people of the city heard the news of the annihilation of the Franky House, but they didn't know who caused it. The Straw Hats were sitting around, thinking about the fight last night. Usopp has the Merry and left the crew, and Robin was still not found.

Sanji: "I think I'm gonna wander around and try to find Robin."

(Y/N): "Take Chopper with you, and don't want you get distracted." he said pouring tea.

Sanji: "Let's make this inn the place to meet up if something happens."

Then Nami comes busting through the door like it was no tomorrow. She yelled out to the captain of the Straw Hats.

Nami: "This is terrible! The whole town is talking about it! Luffy! Last night, Iceberg-san from the shipyard was..."

The story was spread around. The mayor, Iceberg, was shot at his home. Paulie heard this and thinking it was not true due to Iceberg being a person who doesn't make enemies with people. But, Iceberg was found on the floor in the morning with blood in his room in the morning. Fortunately, he was in coma and alive.

Luffy: "Ice pops was?" he turns to the navigator.

Nami: "They said that he's unconscious right now."

Luffy: "Everyone thinks the world of him. Why..." he looks back at the city wondering.

Sanji: "Who's that, Nami-san?" He asked.

Nami: "Someone who helped us yesterday. He's the president of the shipbuilding company and the mayor of Water Seven."

Sanji: "Sounds like he's quite a big shot."

(Y/N): "Yep. You couldn't come up with a more huge incident than this in this city."

Luffy: "I'll go check." he told the crew before jumping off.

(Y/N): "Bloody hell..." he jumps of causally to follow.

Nami: "HOLD UP! I'M COMING WITH YOU GUYS, TOO!" she ran back down the stairs.

-Timeskip brought to you by Chibi (Y/N) on the Transponder Snail-

Newspaper was flying over the civilization and they read about Iceberg falling victim to an assassin. They were worried, and wondered who the culprit was, some think it was pirates because a vicious attack. Lulu on the other hand think it was the government's action. Ever since the Corgy's arrival, he thinks it ties to him getting rejected by Iceberg every time. Some people think it was Franky who did the crime.

(Y/N): "Someone needs to put a leash on this kid." he said running after Luffy.

Paulie was already out finding the person who shot Iceberg.

Paulie: "Who the hell did it?! I'm not gonna let him get away with it!"

Then a sea train arrives back. Meaning, Franky has returned back. Luffy and (Y/N) were stilling running around, they were on a bridge but Nami was underneath with a Yagara bull. They jumped on.

(Y/N): "We need to find him, quick."

Luffy: "So it was true that he got attacked."

But after Franky's return. He saw the massive destruction done to his house, his eyes were popping with red veins.

Franky: "Kiwi... Mozu... Am I dreaming?" he asked, but wan't happy with the answer.

Kiwi: "No, Bro..."

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