Chapter 7 - Battle of Giants

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From where we left off a giant silhouette was approaching. Instead of the two running away they both cried and stood in one place as the the giant shadow was getting closer. It ripped the trees in front and revealed itself.

Nami & Usopp: "AHHHHHHH!"

???: "GABABABABABABABABA!" the giant laughed that went through the whole island.

It laugh blew the hair of the two as they were still standing in fear. Then it finally got a picture of a giant having a low saturated blonde beard, a blue cape and a giant helmet.

Blonde Giant: "So

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Blonde Giant: "So... What's the answer?"

Nami: "Wh-What was that? C-Could you repeat that?"

Blonde Giant: "I asked you if you have any liquor." he asked which made Usopp nod rapidly and making Nami respond the answer that they had a little.

It made the giant happy until she mentioned that it's used for cooking and disinfection. Not cooking. But they were willing to give it so they wouldn't die. The giant screamed in their face thinking he was angry but it was a giant theropod that was biting from behind. Then the giant grabbed the axe and clean the head right off.

Broggy: "I'm Brogy, the Elbaf's strongest warrior!" he introduced himself to the two before doing his laugh.

The two fell which left Broggy confused with a swears drop. He poked Usopp to see if he was dead, they were both alive but pretending to be dead so they wouldn't be caught. But back to the three explorers Luffy and (Y/N) made it on top of the sauropod's head.

Luffy: "Whoa! What a great view!" he said wanting to eat his lunch on top.

(Y/N): "Hello little guy. You seem kind of young, you're not happened to be a baby are you?" he sat on the snout of the long neck which made it listen to the inkman.

Vivi: "This isn't the time for idle chatter!" she yelled to them as Karoo had his eyes popped out and bill wide open.

They were looking around the top and notice that there were volcanoes, that answered Usopp's question and giant mountains that have weirdly structured holes. Vivi started screaming at the two of them.

Vivi: "Get down! Even if it's well-behaved, it's still a dinosaur!"

(Y/N): "Don't hurt his feelings and it's not doing anything. It's that right buddy?" he asked the sauropod which let out a small roar.

Luffy: "Say, I have a favor to ask. Will you take me over there with the mountains with weird holes?"

(Y/N): "Leave it be Luffy. I don't want to make it do work."

The Ink Pirate (One Piece X Male Reader Volume 1) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now