Chapter 19 - Climbing the Chimney Moutain

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From where we left off. The two pirates carrying their friends to safety were blocked by a similar face, Wapol. Now they're facing him before they could adventure further to the castle where the doctor lives. (Y/N) was carrying Nami and Luffy was carrying Sanji.

Luffy: "Huh? You guys're..." he continues thinking who they were.

Wapol: "How dare you do many rude things to me! I'LL CHEW YOU BOTH UP!"

(Y/N): "Have you forgotten... uhhh... who are you again?"

Wapol: "I'm, Wap-." before he could finish, he was interrupted.

(Y/N) & Luffy: "Get out of our way."

Wapol: "I didn't get to finish. But you're stupid, aren't you? Especially that straw hat. But why would I get out of your way?!"

Some moments between the pirates was a staring contest. The snow blowing through the air make the sleeves float a bit, the snow continued on.

Wapol: "Looks like what you have on your back and in your arm are half dead." but the pirates with hats didn't want to listen to his nonsense and tried to walk around.

Wapol: "CHESS! I thought up a new law. Write it down. Those who ignore the king are to be executed!" he told the archer.


Kuromarimo & Chess: "Yes sir!" they both jumped off the hippo and started to attack.

(Y/N): "Ah shit... here we go again..."

Chess: "I'll take the women on the top hat."

Kuromarimo: "Then I'll take the man on the straw hat. Take this! Marimo's Surprise!" he send out his boxing glove that popped spikes.

Luffy was about to attack but he remembered what Sanji said to him. He said any attack he does will make Nami feel the whole damage. But now, it's (Y/N)'s responsibility to not attack, all he can do is dodge. The only thing can do is run. As they were running Chess pulled his arrow and tried to aim for Nami which was with the ink man. But it was canceled by (Y/N)'s tail.

(Y/N): "We can only run, we have to get to that mountain."

Luffy: "Okay!"

Wapol: "I'll show them... what a snowy battle is like..." he smiles.

They were running until Luffy turned to see that no one was behind them. (Y/N) stopped to see giant jaws in the snow that going to chomp him and jumped, Luffy did the same but now in the air where Kuromarimo & Chess ambushed and were about to launch their attacks.

Kuromarimo: "Now this is a true battle in the snowy area! The whit disguise! Snow Powder Makeup!"

Chess: "Since the sick and wounded are so weak, they'll be dead with just one shot."

Kuromarimo & Chess: "CHECK MATE!"

(Y/N) & Luffy: "STOP IT!" they both yelled and suddenly Lapins arrived to save them.

(Y/N): "The Lapins..." he turned and stare at them and his captain did the same action.

They both stared into the red eyes of the giant rabbits and remembered the one they saved was the one with the scar on its right eye. The young and scarred one flexed their arms to show the respect.

Luffy: "Thanks! You saved us!"

(Y/N): "Thank you... we owe you one."

And with that they both ran to the mountain.

The Ink Pirate (One Piece X Male Reader Volume 1) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now