Chapter 1

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I had sat at the window since dinner—my concentration split between reading and watching the sun set over the horizon through the grey clouds. I only caught a small glimpse of orange as the sun disappeared, the clouds too heavy. Too dark. My book was where the true light lay—a story of adventure and romance, far away from London. In a world foreign, strange, and alluring to me.

Thomas, Arthur, and Charles came running up the stairs to bed just after the sun had disappeared, the sky dipping into darkness. Kicking my feet off the window seat, I walked over to Charles bed. Little Charlie. My cousins were practically my brothers; I had lived with them long enough.

"Boys, Elaine, are we ready for bed?"

"Yes, mother." The boys chimed in unison. I smiled and nodded at my aunt.

"Very good, quickly tuck in all of you." I moved to crawl into my own bed.

"Mother, will you read us a bedtime story?" Charles asked.

Before she could even respond, her guests downstairs called to her. She was stressed enough.

"I will read to them Aunt Wendy." I saw the relief on her face.

"Thank you, Ellie, dear." She smiled.

Aunt Wendy moved around the room, kissing each boy goodnight. She kissed me atop my head and left, pulling the door to the frame, not quite clicking it closed.

"What story shall we hear tonight?" I asked. Arthur and Thomas quickly began making suggestions. "Wait, boys, it's Charlie's turn to choose."

He beamed up at me through his mop of golden blonde hair. At four, his hair was shaggy and unkempt, his teeth still growing in. I could see the cogs turning in his head.

"Peter Pan!" I froze; he had not asked me to read a Peter Pan story since...since before I found out the truth.

Reluctantly I went to the nursery bookshelf, pushing aside books I did not often read and reaching into a hidden compartment. I pulled out a box, lifting away the lid. Running my hand along the hard-wooden cover, I read the text neatly written on the paper attached. I sat back on Charlie's bed.

"The adventures of Peter Pan and his Neverland; Written by Wendy Darling." I read.

"Mummy." Charlie beamed.

I smiled weakly.

"The first tale is of Peter Pan and the Never-bird. Peter and the Lost boys set out in the early morning light to hunt the troublesome Never-bird...." I read the story of how Peter wrangled the bird, giving a feather to each of his lost boys.

I painted bright images of adventure through my words. The images flew from my mouth, and I myself was lost in the magic, forgetting my reservations about Peter. I had always loved Peter Pan. His stories made me believe, gave me hope.

"They danced around the fire long into the night, chiming a beat with the bones of the Never-bird. The End." I smiled, my mind still lost in Neverland.

"You once told me that you believed he was real. Do you believe in all that, Ellie?" Thomas, the eldest, asked. I paused,

"Of course, everyone needs something to believe in." I carefully skirted around the dreaded phrase.

"I believe!" Shouted Charlie.

The air was sucked from my lungs. That one phrase could summon the Shadow, the Shadow which pulled children away to Neverland. All I could do was hope that Shadow had not heard Charles tonight.

"Goodnight, boys." I whispered, turning out the light and jumping into bed. But not before putting on my belt, sheath attached. My sword tucked tightly at my side.


A set of small hands pressed against my shoulder, shaking me awake. I grunted and tried to turn over.

"Elaine." Arthur hissed. "Elaaaaaine." He hissed again. Weird, he used my full name.

"What is it, Arthur?" I whispered, still half asleep.

"There's something outside the window. It is trying to get in." My eyes flew open.

I jumped from my bed and ran to Charlie and Thomas' beds.

"Boys, get up, quick go to the back wall. Thomas quickly help Charlie." The window flew open, a set of glowing eyes landing on me before slowly moving to the boys.

I turned to see that Thomas and Arthur were mesmerised by the dark figure. Peter Pan's Shadow. Charlie looked terrified; he cowered from the Shadow. Good, I did not fear that he would travel with him. The other boys, however, I had to save them. The Shadow reached out his hand to Thomas. Thomas reaching in return.

"No!" I screamed, pushing my eldest cousin aside.

The Shadow latched onto my wrist and pulled me towards the wide nursery window. Past my discarded book on the window seat and out into the night.

"Ellie!" Charlie screamed.

I heard Arthur desperately call for Wendy, and Thomas reached out the window towards me. All in vain. I was too far gone for them to save me. I was being taken to Neverland.

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