9. Unexpected Turn of Events.

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The rest of the day Y/N spent resting in the guest room and Eamon told her to take as long as she needed to recover, but by her second morning, she was already feeling guilty about laying there and doing nothing so she forced herself out of bed and left the guest room and wandered down the hall of the attractive middle-class home.

On her way down the stairs, she nearly bumped into Eamon who was carrying what appeared to be her clothes, now dry. "Good morning, you look like you're doing much better today," Eamon told her with a warm smile. "Here are your clothes, they're dry, but I'm afraid the ice cream stains are still there. I couldn't wash them because I don't know how to use the washing machine and Annie is on vacation," he said awkwardly, embarrassed at his ineptitude at household chores in the absence of his old housekeeper.

"That's fine," Y/N said quickly as she took her work uniform, grateful that she didn't have to wear the borrowed shirl anymore. "thank you."

"Oh, I also picked something up for you at the store," he told her as he handed over several different kinds of concealer that matched her skin tone. "I thought the other kids might make fun of you because of the black eye, so this should help if you want to go back to school before the bruises fully disappear."

"Th-thank you so much..." Y/N stammered softly, awestruck. It may have just been a bit of make-up, but no one had ever been so thoughtful to her before and she wasn't sure how to react.

. . . 

Days past and soon it had been nearly a week since Y/N had started staying with Eamon, the pair had settled into a nice rhythm, but Eamon had started up working again and was gone at work for the majority of the day while Y/N was in the house by herself until she eventually felt well enough to go back to school.

Everything started harmoniously enough, and it was easily the most comfortable and peaceful Y/N had ever been, but as the week progressed she noticed that Eamon was growing increasingly distant and preoccupied. She began to worry that her presence in his house was becoming a nuisance, and late Friday evening her fears were confirmed.

She had crept down the stairs just enough that she could hear the urgent words that Eamon was speaking into the phone in the kitchen."Is there any way you can fax those documents to me this weekend?" It sounded like it was just a work call and Y/N was tempted to turn around, but what he said next made her blood freeze. "I know, I know, it's soon but my mind is already made up, I can't let the situation with Y/N continue like this," he told the person on the other end of the call, clear irritation in his voice.

Y/N stumbled back up the stairs, appalled by what she had heard. She hurried back into the guest bedroom she had been staying in for the past week and curled up on the bed. She couldn't help but cry as she thought about what she had overheard Eamon saying over the phone, it shattered her confidence to hear that the one person she trusted in her life wanted her gone just as much as everyone else.

. . .

Saturday morning Y/N was unusually quiet as she sat at the dinner table with Eamon eating the delicious egg bake that his housekeeper had made for them, it was a considerable improvement to the take out and cereal they had been surviving on while Annie was on vacation.

Y/N watched Eamon over the table, keenly aware of his fidgeting hands and overall nervous demeanor as he also ate his breakfast in silence, too preoccupied to notice Y/N's silence like he normally would have.

Y/N felt so sick to her stomach that she was hardly able to eat, but she forced herself to continue knowing that she wasn't sure where her next square meal would be coming from if her suspicions were correct. She knew that her time with Eamon had been too good to last, nothing good ever lingered in her life.

"Y/N, would you join me in the living room once you've finished breakfast?" Eamon said out of the blue, startling Y/N as he got to his feet and began walking towards the living room. "I have something I want to discuss with you." Without saying another word her quickly exited the dining room.

Oh no, this is it! He's going to kick me out, Y/N thought, panic gripping her as the last bit of her appetite disappeared at once. Why even bother going to the living room, I should just leave and spare him the bother of telling me to get out. She pushed herself to her feet but thought she might as well go and hear what Eamon had to say, even though she already knew from overhearing his phone conversation.

She sat down in one of the leather recliners, across from where Eamon sat fidgeting on the couch. "So, have you uh been enjoying your stay here?" He asked her after a moment of awkward silence clearly very uncomfortable.

"Yes," Y/N said, thinking about how much her life had improved since she started staying with Eamon, even though it had only been a week. She was going to be sad when she was no longer there. "It's been wonderful, I can't thank you enough for giving me a place to stay."

"I-I see," Eamon stammered, growing more uncomfortable. "Have you - have you had any problems with your stay here so far?"

"No, none at all," Y/N replied, feeling uncomfortable. Is he asking that so that he could use it as an excuse for why I shouldn't stay here anymore?

"Then Y/N, would you like to continue to stay here?" Eamon asked, catching the nervous girl completely off guard.

"I-I mean I do," Y/N replied, incredibly confused. "But I don't want to overstay my welcome, and you're probably tired of having a teenage girl staying in your house who you barely know."

"Y/N, none of that is true," Eamon said, his eyes widening as he heard what Y/N thought he thought of her. "you're a joy to have around."

"You don't have to lie to spare my feelings I already know that you want me gone," Y/N told him bluntly, trying her best to maintain a stoic expression and not burst into tears. "I heard your phone conversation last night," she explained.

"You heard?" He asked, his face filled with shock, followed by confusion.

"I did, so there's no point trying to let me down gently," Y/N said as she stood up from the chair, not sure how much longer she could maintain her composure. "I'll just go get my things and I promise I won't bother you again, thank you for everything you've done for me-"

"Y/N wait," Eamon told her firmly, freezing her in her tracks. "I was talking to my good friend at my law firm because I couldn't stand the thought of you ever being abused again, I wanted him to get me some important documents to me this weekend so I could look them over with you." He gestured to several important-looking papers on the ottoman.

Y/N hesitantly picked the papers up, there were lots of wordy sentences on what appeared to be a legal document. It took several moments for Y/N to understand what it was saying, but she gasped when she did. "N-No way... You can't be serious." She looked at Eamon, incredulous.

"I am," He told her, a nervous smile on his face that was nearly the spitting image of his late son. "With your consent, I want to adopt you."


Unexpected turn of events right?! Oh if only they knew, if only they knew what this act of kindness would lead to, they would have parted ways and never tried to contact each other again.

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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