33. In the Vice Principal's Office.

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It had been several days since Eamon had walked out from Dr. Blodd's office, Rowan and Sky were back home with their shaken but recovering parents, and he was spending his time immersing himself in work as he had no other idea of how else to distract himself from his feelings for Y/N.

It was a cold and miserable day in late fall and Eamon was drinking reheated coffee to cut the chill in the office while rain pelted against the windows. He took another sip of his bitter drink and turned his attention to the monotonous legal papers on his desk.

He felt dreary from all the repetition of work, but he forced himself to continue to try and dull what he felt for Y/N. It worked for the most part, although he felt quite drained as a result. The office phone rang, the sound of it is so jarring that he nearly fell out of his chair. The phone rang several more times before Eamon calmed his racing heart enough to answer the phone.

Still rather shaken he stammered as he said, "H-Hello, this is-"

"Eamon is-is that you?" Y/N's voice interrupted him from the other end of the phone much to his surprise. What surprised him, even more, was that her voice was quavering and it sounded like she had been crying.

"Yes, it's me. Y/N, what's wrong?!" He asked in a frenzy, worried out of his wits as his mind was filled with all the possibilities of terrible things that could have happened to her. "Did something happen?! Are you ok?!" He pestered her while his heart pounded in his chest.

"I-I'm scared," she sobbed, panic in her voice. "I-I didn't mean to do it I don't know what to do-"

"Where are you?!" Eamon asked, standing abruptly from his desk. His knuckles turning white as he gripped the phone.

"I-I in the office at school," she managed to say through her hysterics. "please... I-I need you..."

While normally hearing Y/N say that she needed him would generally cause a shiver of pleasure to pass down his spine, now was not the time for such things. "I'll be there as soon as I can doll," Eamon told her before hanging up, without even telling Rodriguez where he was going he grabbed his coat and hurried out into the rain. "Hang on Y/N, I'm coming."

. . .

Eamon raced down the school halls looking for the office, his wet shoes squeaking against the tiled floor as he ran. Finally, after what felt like way too much time, he arrived out of breath outside the vice principal's office.

Stepping inside he briefly took notice of a girl about Y/N's age and the squat vice-principal behind the desk before he turned his attention to the other chair where Y/N sat. "Eamon..." She looked up at him pitifully, her E/C eyes bloodshot from crying and bright yellow paint spilled all over her head and shoulders. "I-I'm glad you're here..."

"Y/N?!" Eamon was appalled by her condition and got down on his knees at once to better view her face. "What happened to you?!"

"I-I didn't mean to I promise-" she started crying again and couldn't bring herself to properly answer his question.

"-So you are Y/N's guardian," The vice principal cut in with a nasal voice, clearing his throat to catch Eamon's attention. "Please take a seat. I regret to inform you that after a violent assault on miss Brightman Y/N is going to be suspended till the end of the month-"

"What?!" Eamon interrupted him out of surprise, remained standing, unable to believe that Y/N could be violent in any way.

"That bitch hit me!" The other girl howled, pointing to her eye where an ugly purple bruise was quickly forming. "Look at my face-"

"Amanda please-" The vice principal tried to reason with the girl who was quite bratty in Eamon's opinion.

"Y/N what happened?" He asked in a gentle tone, completely ignoring the presence of the other two people in the room. "Why are you covered in wet paint?"

"A-Amanda dumped paint on me... She's always doing things like that, b-but today I thought about how you've told me that I matter, that I'm important so I-I hit her..." She answered in a tiny voice, looking down at her lap as she struggled to keep from crying again. "You're disappointed in me aren't you?"

"You could never disappoint me, I'm proud that you stood up for yourself," Eamon told her with a smile as he gently cupped her cheek before he stood back up and turned his attention to the vice principal. "Now, with that new information doesn't that change things?"

"It was an accident," Amanda scoffed crossed her arms. "I didn't mean to spill paint on her."

"Miss Brightman is right, even if the spilled paint was intentional Y/N should have told a teacher and not resorted to violence," The vice principal explained in the most sugar-coated voice he could manage. "I am afraid she will still have to be punished."

Eamon set his jaw before he turned his attention to his ward who sat quivering in the chair. "I see - come on Y/N, we're going home," he gestured towards her as he walked towards the office door.

"But-but what about miss L/N's suspension?" The vice-principal called after them, taken aback by Eamon's unexpected actions.

"To hell with it," Eamon growled as he turned to give him an icy glare as one of his arms wrapped itself protectively around the still shaken Y/N and pulled her close. "If you'd punish her for nothing more than standing up for herself she won't be attending your school any longer." He said in a dangerously calm voice before leading Y/N out of the office.

"You were very brave today doll," Eamon told her comfortingly once they were several halls away from the office. "How about we go to that drive-through burger joint and get some ice cream?" He asked, wanting to give her a treat to make her feel better.


Looks like Y/N has gained a little bit more confidence, and Eamon's yandere side is beginning to show. ^~^

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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