36. The Call.

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It had been several days since Y/N and Eamon had their unpleasant run-in with Ann and they had decided that it was for the best if they stayed in for the next few days. Eamon wanted to take off work to spend time with Y/N but she firmly insisted that he needed to go to work and that she would be fine at home alone until he was finished.

One Friday morning Y/N awoke to the sound of her bedroom door opening. She sat up groggily and saw through her blurry vision Eamon walking towards her with a tray in his hands. "Good morning Y/N," he told her with a warm twinkle in his blue-graey eyes as he placed a kiss on her forehead and set the tray down on her lap before sitting on the edge of the bed.

"What's all this?" she asked, looking at the pancakes and eggs piled on the plate and the tall glass of orange juice in confusion. "Don't you need to be getting ready for work instead of bringing me breakfast in bed?"

"I can be a couple of minutes late to work if it means doing something that makes you feel special," Eamon told her, as he gently cupped her cheek, marveling internally at how soft her skin felt. "Because you are special to me."

"I-I don't know what to say Eamon-" Y/N looked away and blushed red in embarrassment at his words and all the open affection that she was not used to receiving.

"You don't have to say anything doll," Eamon told her in an even more sugary voice than before as he quickly pecked her lips only causing her blush to worsen. "Now enjoy your food before it gets cold."

They chatted for several minutes while Y/N ate her breakfast and continued to blush from Eamon's sweet flirting before he reluctantly stood from the edge of the bed. "I'm afraid I can't afford to be any later to work, as much as I would enjoy spending all day with you," he gave her a forlorn smile as he walked towards her bedroom door. "I'll be back by dinner, Annie is downstairs and I'm sure she wouldn't mind keeping you company if you feel lonely."

. . .

After breakfast, Y/N had gotten dressed and brought her dirty dishes down to the kitchen. She turned on the tv but there wasn't anything good to watch. After some thought, she decided to talk to the housekeeper and began her search for the kind old woman. "Hey Annie," Y/N greeted her once she found her in the master bathroom cleaning the mirror. "can I-I help you?"

She shook her head fervently as she wiped the last part of the mirror and moved on to cleaning the countertop. "Oh no dear," she turned her face towards the younger woman and smiled, causing the wrinkles on her round face to deepen. "I can manage just fine on my own, but I would like you to answer a question."

"S-sure, what is it?" Y/N stuttered still not used to how kind Annie was to her, even though it had been months since she had first met her.

"Have you noticed that Eamon has been in a much more cheerful mood this past week?" She asked after a moment's pause as she returned to wiping down the expansive countertop, when she remained silent she added, "I think he's finally put himself out there and started dating again."

Y/N's heart froze in her chest at those words and her face drained of color, she knew it would be bad if anyone found out about the relationship between her and Eamon. She may not have been sure what it was or what she felt for him exactly but she did know that no one could know about it. "I-I suppose I have noticed that he's been happier, but that doesn't mean-" she rambled.

"Listen, dear," Annie interrupted her in a stern but kind way. "I've been cleaning for Eamon for ten years now and I've never seen him quite like this, I'm sure that he's in love." She smirked knowingly before returning to her work.

"Sure... W-what ever you say..." Y/N muttered, wanting to end the conversation as quickly as possible, just praying that the intuitive woman wouldn't also figure out that she was Eamon's new love interest.

. . .

"Mmm, Annie dinner smells as delicious as always," Eamon called cheerfully that evening as he stepped through the front hall and walked down the hall towards the dining room.

"Thank you, but Y/N is the one you should be complementing," Annie said, smiling at her as she sat at the table, a blush springing to her cheeks at the old woman's compliments. "She was a great help in the kitchen today."

"That's great Y/N," Eamon praised her as he sat down at the table once his housekeeper was seated as well. "is there anything you can't do?" He asked with a teasing grin.

"There are lots of things I'm sure," she whispered, looking down at her lap self-consciously as her hair fell into her face.

"Come on you two, dinner will get cold if you don't start eating," Annie scolded them both as she began scooping mashed potatoes onto their plates.

"Mmm, wonderful!" Eamon praised them again as he took swallowed a bite of food. "Thank you both for making dinner," he said, smiling especially at Y/N.

For a while, the sound of cutlery against plates was all that could be heard and then Annie broke the silence. "Y/N also talked to me while I was cleaning this afternoon," Y/N slumped further into her seat as the old woman spoke. "We've both noticed that you've seemed happier lately and we can't help but wonder if you're in love with someone special!"

Eamon's face fell slack in a much similar way to Y/N's at the suggestion. "W-Well I-" he stammered, mind spinning as he tried to think of a proper way to answer. Suddenly the phone began to ring in the kitchen, saving him from such a difficult question. "Excuse me, I'll go answer it." He jumped up so violently that his chair tipped over.

Y/N and Annie waited in silent anticipation, listening to the muffled sound of Eamon's voice until he eventually hung up and reentered the dining room, looking troubled. "Who was it?" Y/N asked nervously.

"A dear friend of mine," Eamon told her pensively.  "A Problem has suddenly come up and my help is needed. Y/N, pack an overnight bag after you finish dinner, we leave first thing tomorrow."


Oooo! Luckily Annie hasn't discovered the truth, yet anyway. Do you have any guesses of who Eamon's friend may be?

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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