30. Good Morning, Eamon.

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Eamon felt incredibly groggy. His body was too heavy to move and his head was throbbing in pain. He just laid there, waiting for his headache to subside. He took in several deep breaths, my fever must have gotten worse, he thought as he vaguely recalled Y/N telling him that he was sick the previous day. 

His sleep-clouded mind grew much more alert as he recalled the other events of that morning. He eventually had amassed enough strength to open his eyes despite his throbbing headache. Sunshine was shining through the windows onto the master bed, making his headache worse, had he not known he'd spent the previous day in bed he would have sworn that he was hungover. After several blinks, he was able to see that he was alone in the bed and this immediately caused a spike of anxiety to go through him.

He got out of bed quickly, ignoring the throbbing in his temples as he stood up he began looking around the room, double-checking to be sure that Y/N wasn't there. His heart sank further as he confirmed her absence. Worries began flashing through his mind, what if she's hurt? And what about the baby?

His paranoia growing by the moment he noticed that there was a light shining from under the bathroom door and hurried inside to make sure she was safe. "Y/N, are you in here doll?" He called as he was met by a wall of steam.

"Morning Eamon," he jumped at the voice which was much more sultry than Y/N's. He stumbled backward as Ann emerged from the steam her brown hair dripping wet, wrapped in a silky green bathrobe. "That was some party last night huh?" She said as she smirked.

"Ann?!" Eamon recoiled, immediately on edge. She hadn't lived there for ten years, had she broken in to take a shower? Why? "What are you doing here?! Where's Y/N?!" He growled, growing concerned for her well-being with his ex in the house.

"I live here, that is what married couples do you know," she just let out a snort before she turned her attention to the mirror above the sink and began applying makeup.

"M-Married," Eamon spluttered. It didn't make sense, Y/N had been taking care of him just the previous day, and he very clearly wasn't still married to Ann then. "But-but Y/N she-she-"

"Who's Y/N?" She asked, looking at Eamon in the mirror as she continued to put on her mascara. "Is she an ex of yours or something?"

"I-I don't understand," Eamon felt like his brain was short-circuiting. Y/N had been resting with him when he'd gone to bed last night, but now Ann was there instead with no trace of Y/N anywhere. "She was here, she was just here..." Eamon mumbled feeling disoriented and woozy. Is this some kind of fever dream?

"I assure you Eamon," Ann responded in between spreading lipstick on her lips. "There wasn't anyone at the party last night named Y/N."

"We-we had a party last night?" Eamon questioned, his head throbbing with more and more confusion with every moment that passed.

"Yeah, it was for our seventeenth anniversary," She finally turned to face him, placing her hands on her hips which only accentuated her feminine figure, "It was your idea you must have really drunk a lot to have forgotten."

"S-Seventeenth?" Eamon stammered, his eyes snapped open wide. That couldn't be right, they had gotten divorced only seven years into their marriage. "We're still married but-but you're affair-"

"-Eamon, you know that I'd never cheat on you," she scoffed sounding rather offended before her tone turned to a much more caring one "I love you."

"I-I," Eamon faltered, he couldn't remember the last time Ann had said she loved him, let alone so genuinely. "What about Sean?" He was sure that mentioning their son would awaken the cruel side of her he remembered.

"Who's Sean?" Ann asked blankly, nearly causing Eamon's heart to stop.

"He's our-our... Son..." Eamon replied, his heart hammering against his rib cage at Ann's denial of their child.

"Eamon stop playing games, we both know that I can't conceive so please don't joke about it," she huffed angrily, crossing her arms and turning away from him.

Eamon was so confused, but even amid his inner turmoil, he saw the true hurt on her face. There may have been bad blood between them, but he had loved her once so seeing it still hurt him. "I-I'm sorry Ann I-"

"Don't worry," she said, forcing a smile as she let out a breath. "You must still be really out of it from drinking last night if you thought we had a son." She joked.

"Yeah, must have..." Eamon bit his lip. He had a son, named Sean, he had so many memories about him. They had to be real, didn't they?

"Why Sean anyway?" Ann asked him as she finished her makeup. "I thought you always said that you'd want to name your child Y/N."

"I-I did?" He felt his blood freeze at the mention of the familiar name.

"Yeah," she replied, with a laugh. "You never told me why though - so, you up for a little bit of fun with your wife?" She reached out as her expression grew more provocative. 

"Uhh-" Eamon felt so conflicted. She was the woman he thought he would spend the rest of his life with, and although she was incredibly enticing part of his mind couldn't help but think about Y/N.

"Come on Eamon," She began removing her robe as she pressed herself against him. "The fact that I can't get pregnant means that we can do whatever we want~" she walked her fingers up his chest and batted her lashes at him.

"Alright..." He gave in, unable to resist. He let her lead him back out to the bedroom while he was still plagued by a twinge of guilt.

. . .

"That was wonderful," Ann sighed in contentment as she laid next to Eamon under the sheets. "You're a great lover Eamon, you know that?"

"Thanks..."  He replied weakly. He felt even worse than he did when he had first woken up that morning. Why do I feel so guilty? She's my wife, which is way more ethical than either relationship with Y/N I had, yet I still feel like I'm cheating.

No Eamon, don't think like that, He shook his head scoldingly. Everything is fine between you and Ann don't mess it up thinking about her... You-you, don't even know if she's real... For some reason that thought made him sad, even though things with Ann were better than he could have dreamed.

It's not just that though... As sexy as Ann is, I don't feel half as satisfied as I did even with I did it by myself in the shower-stop! He caught himself firmly. He had just finished with his wife and he was fantasizing about the time he pleasured himself in the shower to a teenager. Ann is my wife and more importantly, of legal age. Don't compare her to something so illicit, just-just learn to find pleasure in this again.


Goodness, what a chapter! It feels so good to be working on this book again, despite the fact that it's already completely crazy.

In unrelated news I fainted today, that was a surprising experience. ^~^

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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