57. Caught in the Act.

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After what felt like hours of sitting on the floor of the upstairs hall locked in each other's arms Eamon finally calmed down enough that the tears stopped flowing out of his eyes and he was able to offer Y/N, who had begun crying at the sight of his tears, a comforting smile.

He reached out a large hand and twirled a strand of her H/C Hair around his finger. He marveled at how silky and soft it was, it was so smooth it almost felt like water. He eventually let the strand slip out of his hold as he moved to stroke her cheek instead. Her skin was soft too, and it radiated a comforting warmth. Feeling it eased his mind, she was there and she was real.

He was suddenly overcome with the desire to feel more of her, the need to feel that she was really there with him. He used his hand to tilt her face up so that he could plant a kiss on her lips. It was slow and loving at first but quickly morphed into something much more passionate.

Before long they were grasping at every part of each other they could reach, desperate for more contact. Their tongues danced together as Eamon ran his hands up and down her sides, marveling at the feeling of every supple bent and curve of her body. The pair slowly managed to rise from their place on the floor, entangled in each other's arms.

Trapping Y/N's petite form between his body and the door frame of the master bedroom he began tugging at her fluffy pink sweater and she quickly reciprocated by pulling it over her head before going to work on the buttons of his shirt.

Impatient he leaned his face down and connected their lips again as his hands clutched at the soft skin of her back, making unbuttoning his shirt a more challenging task. Once they were all undone Eamon pulled away just long enough to shrug it off before embracing Y/N again.

Their lips locked as his hands grasped at her bra and fumbled to unclasp it, he needed to feel her, he needed to feel every inch of her. He let out a low groan as her dainty hand brushed over the growing bulge in his pants and he grinded against her palm. Just as Eamon was leaning in for more, Y/N suddenly pulled away from him and let out a scream.

Whirling around, he felt his stomach drop sickenly as he saw the figure of Annie standing in the doorway. Her hooded and wrinkly eyes were wide and her face was a pale shade of green. "A-Annie?!" He spluttered out her name as he stumbled to pull away from Y/N, even though it was already too late. "What are you doing here?!"

The old housekeeper didn't answer his question, hurling a stream of angry German at him before storming off.

Face turning ashen as the weight of what would happen if she shared what she had seen with anyone fully sunk in Eamon chased after her, not even bothering to put his shirt back on."Wait I-I can explain," he called as he followed in the footsteps of the irate woman marching down the stairs, trying to stop her by placing a hand on her shoulder. "Just listen to me please!"

"You can't talk your way out of this!" she growled as she jerked away from his touch in obvious disgust.  "bastard," she spat before continuing to make a beeline to the front door.

"I-I know I can't," Eamon acknowledged, still pursuing her as they crossed the living room. "Please don't tell anyone, Y/N will be put in foster care and that's no place for someone like her-"

"It is as if it keeps her away from you," she rebuffed him firmly.

"Don't! I'll double - no triple - your salary just please don't tell anyone-" Eamon begged, desperation eating him alive. He couldn't live if Y/N was taken from him, it would kill him.

"Keep your money, I quit!" Annie said, her curly red hair standing on end as she backhanded Eamon before fumbling with the lock on the front door. "I'm calling the police, they'll make sure you never violate that poor girl again!"

Head reeling from the blow it took him a few moments to process her words, but once he did something within him snapped. "No! No! You can't-" he pleaded, grabbing her by the collar of her cardigan and dragging her away from the door. "I-I WON'T LET YOU TAKE HER FROM ME!!!" He screamed, consumed by the incredible panic he felt at the thought of Y/N being taken away.

She is my angel, MINE! He thought, grinning wide, oblivious to the pummeling and flailing of the older women and he continued to drag her. My light! My redemption! My sanity!

He pulled her to the floor and pinned her beneath him, deaf to her screams and insults as he wrapped his hands around her fragile neck and squeezed. "You can't you can't you can't you can't you can't you can't you can't you can't!" He ranted, her desperate thrashing doing nothing to break the trance he was in.

Only when her body convulsed one final time before going still did he awaken from his bloodthirsty stupor. "What-what have I done?" He asked, slow, sickening horror creeping over him as he looked down at the strangled body of his housekeeper. Her wrinkled lips were blue, her neck was flattened and already bruising, and lacked all trace of a pulse. She was dead.

His head was spinning and his hands were shaking. He felt like he was frozen, stuck staring at the dead women.

"E-Eamon?" A petrified squeak drifted into his ears.

Looking up in surprise, he saw a petrified Y/N staring down at him, clutching her sweater over her chest and shaking in fear.


Poor Annie! Looks like Y/N won't be saved from Eamon's clutches just yet, but will she even want to be saved?

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

Folie à Deux [Yandere Guardian x Abused Female Reader]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt