32. Therapy Gone Wrong Pt2.

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It had been several days since Julien got the call from his wife about her miscarriage. Eamon and Y/N had brought a casserole over to their house and were greeted by a very tired-looked Julien. Over the following days, Y/N and Eamon also spent a lot of time watching over Rowan and Sky while their parents coped with the loss.

The awkwardness that had lingered between Y/N and Eamon quickly melted away as they came together to help the Ross family. The two of them took the kids to the zoo again and out for ice cream, anything they could think of to keep them out of the house and distracted from wondering why they were suddenly staying at Eamon's house.

Despite the nervousness, Y/N felt at first about caring for two young children she proved herself to be quite capable, and despite his hardest attempts to resist he found the nurturing way that Y/N would care for the two little children very attractive. He would find himself peeking in on her when she was reading them a bedtime story or playing with them in the backyard. Even though he knew it was wrong he couldn't help but think back to the dream he had and pretend that they were their own kids, the thought of it caused a shiver of want and arousal to travel his spine.

Disgust would follow immediately after as he realized just how sick his feelings towards Y/N were becoming. Luckily, even though Julien was not in a good enough place to give further therapy to Eamon, he had arranged for Eamon to have a session with an old friend and colleague from school at the end of the week.

Even with the distraction of looking after the children, he was still biting his nails in anticipation of the end of the week. Finally, with a sense of nervous anticipation, Eamon arrived in the waiting room outside an office door with a frosted glass door that said Dr. Blodd.

After only a few minutes of waiting in the hallway, the door to the office and a surprisingly young man opened the door to the office. "Come in Mr. O'Dargan," he said with a small smile as he beckoned Eamon inside and introduced himself. "I'm Dr. Blodd, it's nice to meet you."

Eamon held out his hand to shake and did his best to return the smile. "N-nice to meet you too..." He faltered when his handshake was not taken. The office he was in felt much less welcoming than Julien's, but he wrote it off as just the lack of children's characters on the walls and the still unfamiliar presence of the young doctor.

"Dr. Ross took the liberty of sharing his notes from your previous sessions with him," He got straight to business, pulling out the mentioned notes from his desk before he took a seat in the chair behind it. "But I would still like for you to explain your past experience with him." He added once he was comfortable.

"Well, the first time I met with Julien it was to try to get over feelings that I had for someone..." Eamon began as he perched himself awkwardly on one of the chairs. "The second time we spoke was because I had some really unnerving dreams..." He continued realizing that everything he had said so far made it sound very lame and uninteresting.

"I see," Dr. Blodd commented in a distracted tone as he wrote several things down in a notebook. "Is that all?" He asked as he looked up at Eamon, his pen raised.

"I-I think so..." He replied uncertainty, feeling quite put on the spot.

"Well, why don't you tell me about your dreams?" He prodded calmly.

Eamon bit his lip as he tried to compose his scrambled thoughts enough to explain his dreams. "Well... In the first one I-I was in a relationship with someone who I'm not with in reality... And she was pregnant..." He stammered, again leaving out the fact that she had been a strange version of his underage adopted daughter. "And in the next one, I was back with my ex-wife... And everything was fine..." His voice trailed off again as he started feeling incredibly stupid again.

"I see," the doctor muttered again, taking more notes. "Is there anything else?" He inquired.

"N-No I-I," Eamon stammered, knowing there was more but not sure how to say it. "I don't think so..."

"I see," Dr. Blodd nodded absentmindedly as he finished writing his notes. "my best assessment is that you feel guilt over the divorce of your wife and the passing of your son, the good news is that it isn't too serious."

"Oh..." Was all Eamon could manage to say, he knew that his feelings for Y/N were very serious but he also knew that he couldn't voice them without facing repercussions with the law.

"Let's try and calm your guilt and anxiety ok?" He offered, gesturing for the ginger to recline on the sofa. "Just lay down and relax."

Why am I even doing this? Eamon thought dryly as he observed the doctor from where he lay on the couch, his face was cold and void of expression as he examined his notes. Why am I even here? He doesn't understand what I'm going through, he doesn't know me, no one understands. It was foolish to think that someone else could help me.

Eamon suddenly sat up from the couch and stood up as though he had been woken from a dream. "Thank you for seeing me but I am fine," he said, an unnerving calm taking over him.

"Are you sure-" Dr. Blodd questioned him, confused.

"-Yes," He cut him off in a dull, monotone voice. "I'll be going and I won't be back, thank you for your time." He said, giving him a nod before he stepped through the doorway.

I will have to cure my feelings for Y/N myself, He thought as he walked down the hallway outside the office, finally having realized that no one would be able to help him with his illegal desires towards Y/N. I have no other choice.


Looks like Eamon has finally realized that he is on his own, if only things would get better from here instead of worse.

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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