18. Coddling.

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Y/N woke up in her bed feeling groggy and exhausted. Every part of her body ached, her eyes were dry and irritated, and she felt like her head was filled with glue. It took her several minutes to remember the events of the previous day.

She had been up late crying after the traumatic experience she had at work. After making some phone calls to the police to report the incident Eamon had spent the whole night with her, offering the most comfort and support to her that he could. It was only after Y/N fell asleep in the early hours of the morning that he left her side.

Y/N wrapped her limbs around her giant stuffed bear and pulled the covers over her head as she felt tears welling in the corners of her eyes again. Even though it was over Y/N couldn't shake the awful memory of his hands gripping her and tearing at her clothes, the thought of what would have happened if Eamon hadn't come was the scariest thing that had ever happened to her.

She remained curled under the blankets for several minutes then there came a gentle knock at the door, followed several moments later by the sound of the door squeaking open."Good morning Y/N, are you awake?" Eamon spoke gently, surprising Y/N as she had been certain that it was the housekeeper. "I brought you some breakfast in bed, but full disclosure, the orange juice is the only thing that Annie didn't help me with," he continued sheepishly and Y/N heard the clink of what she imagined was a tray being set down on the nightstand.

"E-Eamon," she said, tentatively poking her head out of her blanket cocoon just enough that she could confirm that the ginger-haired man was really there. "What are you doing here? Y-you should be at work..." She mumbled in confusion, judging by the amount of light coming in through the lacy curtains it was too late on a weekday for him to be home.

"I took today off so that I could spend the day with you," He stated, sounding almost offended at the thought that he'd just go to work and leave her by herself "You are way more important than work."

"Really..." She asked uncertainly, pulling the blankets more snugly around her, not sure she believed it.

"Yes sweetheart, really," Eamon told her, his blue-graey eyes filled with compassion as he sat down on the bed next to her and slid the tray of delicious-looking breakfast food onto his lap. "Now will you please try to eat, the pancakes are getting cold."

"O-ok," Y/N agreed shakily, wiggling her arms out far enough that she could start eating the mountain of pancakes that was absolutely drowning in maple syrup. "Mmmm... These pancakes are good!" Y/N exclaimed, having never had such a delicious breakfast food before.

"Yeah," A slight pink tint of embarrassment came to his pale cheeks as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Annie made them, I'm just delivery man," he explained with a chuckle.

"What time is it?" Y/N asked, looking around the room as she continued munching on her pancakes. She realized that the sunlight shining in was far too bright to belong to any hour of the morning.

"It's almost 1 - don't worry, I already called the school to tell them that a family emergency came up and you'd be out for the next couple of days," he replied quickly, not wanting to stress Y/N out at the thought of getting in trouble for skipping school. "I thought you'd like to take it easy after that big scare we had."

"T-Thank you..." She stammered, a fresh wave of tears filling her eyes at how kind Eamon was to her. She had never known what it felt like to have someone care about her in a parental way before she met him. "Thank you so much E-Eamon..." She broke down in sobs.

"Of course Y/N," he told her at once, enveloping her, blankets and all in his arms and rocking her back and forth. "Oh shhh shhh, don't cry doll. You're safe, no one will hurt you, I promise," he murmured soothing and sweet words into her ear.

"W-Why... Why are you always so kind to me?" She asked, her voice quavering. She had heard that her life was worthless so many times over the years that she couldn't understand why Eamon was willing to do so much for her. "What... What did I do to deserve it?" She asked with her face still buried against his chest.

"You didn't do anything," Eamon told her, his own heart cracking at her lack of confidence. It was crushing for him to see such a bright and beautiful girl wither away because of the cruel world she lived in. "Everyone deserves to be treated with kindness and have people that care about them."

"R-Really?" Y/N asked, looking up at him with genuine doubt and disbelief. It would have been funny if it wasn't so sad.

"Yes really," he said, with as much gentleness as he could as he looked down at her. Seeing her so meek and small in his arms, Eamon felt an even stronger urge to protect her, and to rebuild her self-confidence, no matter how long it took. "I know that you haven't experienced the most caring environments growing up, but I want to do my best to change that, alright?"

"Alright," Y/N agreed as she pulled away from the embrace, wiping her tears away. "I'm sorry for crying like that."

"Don't be sorry," Eamon told her firmly. "after the frightening experience you had yesterday, understandably, you're still a bit frazzled - speaking of which, after what happened I bought you a couple of things." He pulled out a pink bag with tissue paper and handed it over to her.

"T-Thank you," Y/N gasped as she pulled out the top-of-the-line personal phone and a small spray bottle. "You didn't have to-"

"-I did," he cut her off sternly, but kindly. "What happened yesterday made it clear that you should have a phone on you at all times, and I also got you some pepper spray in case of emergency. I also thought that I'd look around to see if I could find any self-defense classes for us, but only if you're interested."


I can't get over how great Eamon is, I just can't! I think he's the most caring yandere I have ever written apart from maybe Frosino from Street Mouse.

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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