44. Unhealed Trauma.

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Eamon sat up with a start, his heart pounding in his chest. Something in his dream had woken him, but now that he was awake he was unsure what it was. He looked around and saw that he was in his home office, sitting at his desk and that he had fallen asleep on the current case he was working on.

Rubbing his face with his hand he contemplated whether he should fetch a cup of coffee from the kitchen and pull another all-nighter or if he should call it a night and go to bed. Finally deciding on the latter he stood from his desk and stretched stiffly before exiting his office and walking up the stairs to go to sleep for the night.

On his way down the hall to the master bedroom, he paused outside the bathroom. Even though it was well past midnight a warm yellow light was shining from beneath the door. He thought it was a bit odd that Sean was in the bathroom so late since he normally went to bed early.

"Goodnight Sean," he called through the door. Not hearing any response he began to walk away but he stopped in his tracks when he heard the faint sound of trickling water. "Hey Sean, remember to turn off the water when you're done," Eamon said, but again there was no reply.

"Everything alright in there?" He asked, growing a bit concerned and back-tracking to stand in front of the door again. "Sean, answer me," he said in a firm tone. He felt his stomach sink again when silence was his only answer.

"Alright, I'm coming in," he declared as he turned the handle only to find that it was locked. Unable to shake the uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach he began to throw his weight against the door until it eventually gave way. "Oh god-" he gasped, his eyes widening in horror and the scene before him.

Sean lay in the bathtub, both forearms slit in several places. The faucet was left on, over-filling the tub and causing the rusty red water to trickle over the sides onto the white tile floor. His skin was a ghostly pale, and he continued to lay unresponsive after the door had been forced open.

"No no no," Eamon muttered, he was frozen for a moment before he rushed to pull Sean out of the tub and pressed his hands over the slashes but they were barely bleeding anymore. "Come on Sean stay with me! Come on! Come on! Open your eyes!" He tried to wake him up, but there was no response.

Realizing that he couldn't feel a pulse on his wrist he wrapped his arms in a towel before rushing from the bathroom and stumbling down the stairs, slamming into the kitchen wall as he fumbled with the landline phone. Not even noticing the bloody handprints he had left on the wall and receiver he dialed the emergency services with trembling fingers.

"My-my son," he began to speak as soon as he heard someone answer. He tried to remain calm but the gravity of the situation was finally sinking in and he had trouble keeping his thoughts organized as incredible fear took hold of him. "He-he needs an ambulance- blood, there's blood everywhere! Please he-he isn't responding-"

Eamon sat up with a jolt from his desk, his heart pounding in his chest and sweat trickling from his brow. His hands were clammy and shaking and he felt as though he might be sick. He took several deep breaths, trying to calm his racing heart.

It was just a dream, it was just a dream, he thought as he slumped back in his chair and covered his face with his hands. It's been a few weeks since I've had that nightmare.

Even though he had just woken up he felt exhausted, I should go to bed, I can't work after that. He stood from his desk and shambled out of his office into the darkened house, he walked up the stairs but was stopped on the second floor when he saw light shining from behind the closed bathroom door.

"Goodnight doll, I love you," Eamon called through the door tenderly. His blood ran cold as he received no answer and his fear and paranoia rapidly spiked. "Y/N is everything alright in there?!" He asked, his tone more serious than before.

"Y/N, answer me now!" he demanded, his voice stern. When he still did not receive an answer his paranoia began gnawing at him until it consumed him. "That's it, I'm coming in!"  He tried to turn the handle only for his heart to skip a beat when he realized that it was locked.

Hey threw himself at the door until it eventually flew open and the sight within distracted him from the pain in his shoulder entirely. "God no-" He gasped not wanting to believe what he was seeing. He felt like he was in hell.

Y/N lay naked in the bathtub, wet strands of hair clinging to her face and neck. The water was a deep coppery red, matching the long slits on her wrists. Her eyes were closed and the expression on her face was morbidly peaceful. The gentle curves of her body still captivating, even as she lay motionless in the water.

"No..." He quickly came to his senses and hauled her out of the water. "Y/N wake up! You can't do this to me Y/N!" He shook her trying to wake her up, but she was as limp and lifeless as a rag doll.

"I can't..." He whispered, tears filling his eyes as he checked for any sign of a pulse. "Please... I need you..." Her skin felt slippery and cold, she had no heartbeat.

He cradled her body to his chest, too distraught to notice that he was soaking wet and his clothes were slowly being stained copper. "I love you so much," he whispered into her ear as he rocked her back and forth, feeling as though his very soul was shattering into pieces as he realized that she was gone. "There's no point to my life without you..."

Still clutching her limp body in his arms he felt around until he found it, cold and glinting like a fallen star on the floor. He cradled the razor blade in his hand almost tenderly, the tip of the blade was red, it was the last thing to touch her while she was still living and he wanted that for himself.

Kneeling on the hard tiled floor and clinging to her cold body that still felt soft, he brought the blade to his forearm with trembling fingers and dragged it down sharply. It burned, but it couldn't compare to the pain of knowing that Y/N had left him, the pain of failing the person he loved most again. He continued to bring the blade across his forearms until his hands were covered with warm sticky blood.

The blade slipped from his hand as he clutched onto Y/N, he was so cold. He didn't even feel the pain anymore, just the terrible cold. His vision was beginning to blur so he closed his eyes. He embraced the darkness that followed and embraced the cold, just as he embraced her. It was better than the incredible loneliness that gripped him at the thought of living without her.


I'm not sure what to say after a chapter like that. I really don't, it was pretty intense to write. Just know that if you are ever contemplating suicide or self harm, it's ok to ask for help. Please stay safe.

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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