37.Baymore Estate pt1.

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Eamon woke Y/N up early and told her to change into the beaded plum dress that he had conveniently bought her on their last shopping trip. She put it on and tossed random things into an overnight bag before throwing on some makeup and rushing downstairs to find Eamon eating a bowl of dry cereal and attempting to tie a tie around his neck at the same time.

Once he noticed her he smiled and passed her another bowl of dry cereal before guiding her out to the passenger side of the car, being sure to tell her how pretty she looked. The drive took several hours but Y/N dozed through most of it and passed in a sleepy blur. Before she knew it they had come to the end of a long gravel drive and Eamon had stopped the car and opened her door for her.

Y/N's E/C eyes widened in awe as she stood on the steps of a giant manner home in the middle of beautiful farmer's fields and forests. The stone of the rectangular building were ornately carved and the three-story building was lined with large windows. Eamon walked up behind Y/N and placed his hand on her shoulder gently, she still jumped but calmed down once she realized it was him.

"Well, welcome to Baymore Estate," he told her with a gentle smile, and she couldn't help but blush at how attractive he looked in his suit with his red hair slicked back. "What do you think?" He asked her, oblivious to her admiring gaze.

"It's... Big..." She whispered, unsure how else to describe the magnificent manor house.

"I know, but don't worry, I'll be by your side the whole time." He began to lead her up the stairs to the large double doors and she clung onto his arm.

She nearly gasped as they stepped into a grand entrance hall with a tall ceiling and a plush rug on the floor. He guided her through the hall towards the murmur of voices coming from a large set of doors near the end of the hall.

Y/N felt so overwhelmed that she nearly fainted as they stepped into the ballroom. The ceiling was the tallest she had ever seen and several massive chandeliers luminated the ornate walls and milling crowd of finely dressed men and women.  It was still unclear why they were attending such a formal party, all Y/N knew was that Eamon had a friend there, but she never would have guessed that Eamon would have had friends in such high circles.

"This way Y/N," her thoughts were interrupted by his kind words as he pulled her closer to himself and guided her effortlessly through the large crowd before stopping in front of three girls of varying ages standing by the wall. "I'd like you to meet Madeline, Amarilla, and Tiffany Marcelle. You would have been going to school with Madeline and their mother is kind enough to be trying to figure out a way for you to study at home." He introduced them with a gesture and a smile.

"Hello Y/N, it's a pleasure to meet you," Madeline said as she extended her hand to her graciously. Even though she was only a year senior her elegant clothing and mannerisms made her seem much older.

"H-Hi," Y/N stammered trying to withdraw against Eamon's chest only to discover with mild alarm that he had vanished from her side.

"There's no need to be shy, any friend of Eamon's is more than a friend of ours," Madeline told her kindly, taking Y/N's hands in hers in a comforting way. Her hazel eyes were filled with gentle warmth despite her uptight appearance.

"Oh, ok..." Y/N whispered, looking away. Even with all Madeline's kindness, she felt uncomfortable without Eamon by her side.

She stumbled as the middle sister came barreling into her enthusiasm to talk to Y/N while the youngest sister stayed hidden behind Madeline. "Hey! We should totally go shopping together sometime!" She grinned up at Y/N toothily, her brown hair, high cheekbones, and hazel eyes identical to her older and younger sisters "I could take you to all my favorite places and-" she rambled in excitement.

"Easy Amarilla, we don't want to overwhelm her," Madeline scolded the excited girl who was clearly no older than eleven. "but you are of course more than welcome to go shopping with us," she emended, wanting to make sure that Y/N felt included.

"T-thank you," Y/N stammered, unable to think of anything else to say. She cased her eyes around the ballroom looking for Eamon and after several moments her eyes found his handsome silhouette on the far side of the ballroom. She felt a twinge of what could have only been jealousy as she saw that he was talking to an absolutely radiant woman in a champagne-colored gown. "Hey... um... Who is Eamon talking to over there?" She asked Madeline timidly.

"Oh, that's Irene Troke, she's the hostess," She replied, glad to see that the shy girl was taking an interest in the party. "You should go introduce yourself if you like, she'd be glad to meet you."

"I-I think I will," Y/N stammered. She bid her goodbyes to the three Marcelle sisters before she began to make her way through the throng of people as quickly as she could. Just as she was drawing near to them she saw the pair duck discreetly through one of the small doors out of the ballroom.

Y/N's heart began to pound in her chest as that nasty jealous feeling grew in the pit of her stomach. She wasn't sure what she felt for Eamon, all she knew was that she didn't like the sight of him with someone else at all. She slipped through the same door and found herself in a dim hall that she hurried down, ignoring the finery around her. Why did he leave the party with her, I shouldn't jump to conclusions but...

She came to a halt as she noticed a strip of light pooling on the floor of the hallway from the door of an adjacent room that had been left ajar. Creeping closer she had to cover her mouth to keep from crying out. Inside the fancy parlor, she saw Eamon and the woman in the champagne dress locked in a tight embrace.

"Eamon you have no idea how much I need this, how much I need you!" She cried as she clung tightly to him, practically hysterical.

"I know, I'm here for you," Eamon told her gently as he held her in his arms, not pulling away from her touch. Both were oblivious to the young woman who had witnessed the entire exchange.


Wow, what a chapter. What do you think, is Eamon cheating on Y/N with this woman?

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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