12. Room Renovations.

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The following morning Y/N entered the kitchen to find Eamon sitting at the counter with a coffee and a crossword like normal. He looked up and smiled at her, his eyes filled with warmth. "Good morning Y/N, did you sleep well?"

"I slept great!" She said in cheerful response to his question. "I can't thank you enough for everything you've done for me... I don't know where I'd be without you..." She added in a much more subdued tone as she looked down at the wooden floor beneath her bare feet.

"Y/N..."Eamon said seriously, setting his crossword and reading glasses down on the counter so that he could give Y/N his full attention. "I am your guardian, and something of a friend I hope as well, your thanks is appreciated but you don't need to repeat it every day," he told her in a gentle tone.

"I-I know I don't have to, I'm sorry," Y/N apologized out of habit. "I-I'll try and do better..."

"Y/N, you have nothing to be sorry about," Eamon told her with the same gentility that he always used when addressing her. "And you're doing perfectly; I can't imagine how hard all of this has been on you. You're still adjusting to everything, and that will take time. Is there anything I can do to help you feel more at home?" He asked, wanting to make sure that he did everything he could to ensure Y/N's happiness.

"Y-you've already done more than enough for me, really," Y/N said quickly, not wanting to cause Eamon any more trouble than she already had.

"There must be something I can do to help you settle into the fact that you are more than just a guest here," He pressed, placing a hand to his cleanshaven chin in thought. "How about we redo your bedroom, it's quite bland and could use a facelift considering that it has a wonderful new tenet?" He suggested.

"Oh no no it's fine the way it is," Y/N said at once waving her hands in front of her. Her room may have been dull but she didn't want Eamon to spend more money unnecessarily on her.  "And I-I wouldn't want to impose on you more than I already have."

"No no, I insist," Eamon told her with a deep chuckle as he dug his flip phone out of his pocket and raised it to his ear. "I'm going to call in and tell José that I'm talking the day off, then we're going to spend the weekend redoing your room." He told her as the number dialed.

"Thank you! I-I don't know what to say, "Y/N stammered, completely overwhelmed by his generosity.  "... I-I don't even what I'm supposed to call you..." She added in a more hesitant tone.

"Your thanks are appreciated, but not needed," he replied while still waiting for José to pick up. "And you can just call me Eamon."

. . .

"There are so many colors... I-I don't know how I'll ever pick," Y/N stammered in disbelief as fifteen minutes later she stood in the home improvement store, looking around at the hundreds of color swatches in awe. "Can... Can I pick any color I want?" She looked up at Eamon with uncertain E/C eyes.

"Of course," Eamon chuckled."It is your room, after all, Y/N - Here what about this Turbulent Teal?" He held up a swatch for a shade of blue so violent that it hurt the eyes to look at.

"B-be serious," she shifted her weight from foot to foot, not wanting to offend Eamon in case he was being serious. "That color is so obnoxious..."

"I know I know, I'm just joking," he quickly put the color back once he saw that his joking was only causing Y/N more stress. "Which color do you like?"

"I-I don't know..." Y/N glanced at them all again, her eyes lingering on the pinks before trailing to the floor, stress, and anxiety about picking a good color began to overtake her. "There are so many..."

"Hhmm..." Eamon looked over the colors in thought as he realized that Y/N was too timid to say what she wanted outright so he would have to pick out something she'd like for her. "What about this Dusty Rose?" He suggested, grabbing the light muted pink that he noticed Y/N gaze lingering on.

"... You-you probably don't want a room in your home such a girly color..." Y/N shrugged her shoulders, trying not to give away just how much she liked the color, embarrassed.

"Y/N it's your room, it can be any color you want," Eamon softly chided her. "All that matters is whether or not you like it?"

"... I do," Y/N squeaked in hesitation in a voice barely above a whisper.

He patted her shoulder and gave her a large reassuring smile as they walked away from the paint aisle. "Then that's what color we'll get."

. . .

"H-how do you paint a room?" Y/N asked uncertainty as she stepped into her bedroom later that day to find that all the furniture had been removed and that Eamon was busy laying out old sheets on the floor.

"You know Y/N I'll be honest," he turned around from where he sat on the ground to scratch his neck awkwardly.  "I've never painted the walls before, my wife always said that since we had the money we should just hire someone, but I thought that it would be fun to DIY it for once." He grinned as though it was the coolest thing in the world.

"So neither of us know what we're doing," Y/N said, offering a small smile. "Great."

"Come on, it'll be fun," he told her as he excitedly laid out brushes, rollers, and stir sticks. "Where's your sense of adventure?"

"Is this you going through a midlife crisis?" She inquired in a small, uncertain voice.

"Maybe something like that," Eamon chuckled before handing Y/N an old t-shirt of his.  "Now go put on some old clothes so that we can get to work."

Y/N did what he said and after that, the pair got to work. The task looked to be intimidating at first, but they quickly fell into a rhythm and it became fun after that. It took nearly all afternoon and the two of them were covered in paint splatters, but it was well worth the effort seeing as Y/N's new room had turned out to be that dusty rose.


I already love Eamon's character even more than I did before, he's such a caring man. ^~^

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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