14. Creeping Unease.

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After reluctantly locking her new stuffed bear in the back seat of Eamon's car, Y/N started walking with him in the direction of the high-end mall that sat on the far side of the large parking lot. Soft music could be heard as their footsteps echoed through the cavernous hall as they stepped through the doors into the mall itself.

Not having any real destination in mind the pair wandered through the mall for several minutes eating their frozen yogurt and window shopping as most of the stores didn't allow you to have food inside. Once they had deposited their empty yogurt containers in a trash bin they began looking at all the shops around with renewed interest.

"Hey, Eamon...," Y/N said quietly, tugging at the sleeve of his button-up shirt to get his attention. "C-Can we look around in there?" She pointed to a large book store just ahead of them.

"Sure thing, but I need to do something first," Eamon told her as he leaned his face down towards hers. She froze and her heart rate exploded as he got closer and closer. He reached out his index finger and whipped away a spot of frozen yogurt that had been stuck to her nose. "There we go, all cleaned up." He smiled as he leaned back.

"T-Thank you," Y/N stammered, her face flushed from the nerves of having him so close. She wasn't used to having anyone care about her, so any caring gestures that Eamon made towards her were startling.

"It's no trouble," He replied with a laugh as he turned his attention to the bookstore. "shall we?" He asked.

Y/N nodded her head in reply and the pair walked through the doors into the large bookstore lined with bookshelves. "So what kind of books do you like?" Eamon tried to make small talk as they passed aisle after aisle of books.

"I-I," Y/N stammered, embarrassed by how childish her answer would sound. "... I like romance..."

"Then why don't you pick out some that you like," Eamon suggested, without the slightest trace of judgment for Y/N's tastes. "You need to fill up your new bookshelf with something," he teased.

"Are-are you sure?" Y/N asked, uncertain.

"Yes, of course," He insisted. "Take all the time you need, I'll be in the non-fiction section when you're ready to check out," he called as he walked towards the section of books that interested him.

Y/N spent what felt like hours wandering up and down the romance aisle, carefully examining each book carefully before she decided that she wanted it. Just as she reached half-a-dozen books she felt a prickling on the back of her neck as though she was being watched. She turned around and thought she saw a flash of movement, but it could have just been her eyes playing tricks on her.

Spooked Y/N rushed over to the non-fiction aisle where Eamon stood flipping through a journal about finance. "So, are those the books you want?" He asked her with a twinkle in his eyes as he looked down at the volumes that she had clutched to her chest. She only nodded, too frightened to speak.

"Great," He said, putting the book he had been reading back on the shelf and turning to lead Y/N to the front of the store. "let's go check out then."

After paying and exiting the shop with a bag containing Y/N's books they continued to wander around the mall window shopping. "Hey, Eamon...?" Y/N finally spoke up after several minutes.

"Yes," He asked, turning his attention to her with inquisitive eyes. "Is something wrong?"

"No, it's just," Y/N hesitated, wrapping her arms around herself and shuddering. "While we were in the book store I felt like I was being watched..."

"Really?" Eamon's tone grew serious and he instinctively looked around, scanning the crowd. "Did you see who it was?"

"No no, I didn't see anyone," Y/N replied quickly, not wanting to cause a big scene over something when it was probably nothing at all. "I... Just felt like someone was watching me."

Folie à Deux [Yandere Guardian x Abused Female Reader]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin