24. Sudden Desires.

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Eamon woke up incredibly fuzzy on Monday morning, still worn out from Friday evening though he had been doing his best to recover his energy and rest all weekend. He sat up and stretched, feeling several joints pop into place. He yawned, his head swimming with grogginess and fatigue as he stood up from the bed.

He checked the clock before he slowly started shambling towards the bathroom to take a shower before work. Gripping the handle and pushing the door open he was surprised to be met with a curtain of warm mist.

The air was filled with a floral aroma and his eyes widened in surprise as he caught sight of Y/N in nothing but a towel with her petite leg propped up on the counter as she massaged sweet-smelling lotion into her skin. Shocked he just stood there, the sight caused him to become aroused without his consent.

"ACK!" Y/N squeaked as she caught sight of him, instinctively wrapping her arms around herself and taking her leg off the counter. Her eyes were wide like a deer in headlights, "I-I'm sorry! Annie was cleaning the other bathroom this morning and-and-" she tried to explain why she had used the master bathroom instead of the guest one, growing redder with every word, but she eventually just stopped and rushed past Eamon out of the bathroom closing the door behind her.

"Sorry! Sorry!" Eamon called through the door, his pale skin flushing cherry red and to his vexation, also arousal. He walked over to the sink in the master bathroom and bent over, splashing cold water on his face in a vain attempt to subdue the undesired feelings within him. Deep breaths Eamon, just take deep breaths. In through the nose, out through the mouth. He coaxed himself as the cold water dripped down his face.

Feeling better he looked up at his reflection. His light ginger hair was sticking up in odd directions and his jaw was dusted in fine stubble that needed to be shaved. His blue-graey eyes looked tired, but his cheeks still bore the pink flush from the earlier excitement much to his disgust.

Well, it looks like I'm taking a cold shower today, great, He thought. Incredibly unsettled that his body had reacted like that to seeing Y/N, but he tried to explain it away by saying that it was only the provocative scenario and the shock of it.

Ah, the warm water does feel so nice though, He thought once he had stepped into the shower and turned on the water, allowing it to cascade over his body. It smells really good in here too. He realized that the air in the shower was still filled with the aroma of Y/N's body wash which caused his body to react the same as when he had first entered the bathroom much to his dismay.

His eyes landed on Y/N's various soap bottles which sat neatly on the floor of the shower and he felt a thrill of sick excitement. I must be crazy, he thought, his mind fuzzy with desire as he reached down and squirted some of the body wash and conditioner into his hand before he rubbed it onto his hot torso. The air was filled with the strong intoxicating smell of strawberries and vanilla only further clouding the reasonable side of his mind. 

He leaned his back against the tiles of the shower, they felt like ice against his burning skin. With a trembling hand, he reached down to where he longed to be touched. "Ah," he couldn't help but moan as pleasure overcame his foggy mind. "I-I forgot how good this feels."

He continued on like that, losing himself in the pleasure he was feeling as the water continued to splash against his skin. His thoughts began to break apart as he approached his peak, in his delirium he pictured Y/N in his mind's eye in nothing but her towel as she rubbed lotion into her legs. These images were was finally pushed him over the edge, "Oh-oh god!" He moaned tilting his head back as a euphoric high washed over him.

He panted heavily, trembling, slowly regaining awareness of his surroundings as he came down. He looked down at his stomach which was messy with more than soap and conditioner now. What did I just do? He thought as the haze left his mind, leaving his rationality to look on at the aftermath with disgust as he crashed down. His whole body crawled with nausea at what he had done. What the hell just came over me?

He hurried to wash himself off but no amount of water would clear away the crushing guilt he felt at what he had just done. Feeling that sort of desire was natural, but feeling it towards someone like Y/N certainly wasn't. Eamon wanted to vomit, but managed to keep the bile in his throat as he finished his shower.

. . .

"Hey, Eamon!" José called brightly as Eamon meandered through the door to their office, he was still very preoccupied with the crushing guilt he felt over what had happened that morning and barely heard his words. "Why'd you take off so quick on Friday?" He continued to pester him as he moved to sit at his desk.

"No reason," Eamon sighed, pursing his lips into a thin line to keep bile from working its way into his mouth.

"Oh man, I had the best weekend," José gushed, leaning over Eamon's desk in a carefree manner. "Took one of those girls home, and let me tell you, not only was she great in bed but you should have seen the breakfast she made in the morning it was killer good man!"

"I'm sure it was José," he replied, shifting away uncomfortably.

"Soooooo?" His warm face took on a mischievous glow and he smirked at his ginger friend. "What's her name? Was it a one-night stand? Is she why you left so quick on Friday?"

"I-I don't know what you mean," Eamon jumped away, every nerve stood on end, panicking that he somehow knew what exactly happened earlier that day. "There isn't anyone you know that I'm not that type of guy-"

"Eamon, you came in half an hour late and you smell like the women's perfume aisle," José deadpanned before quickly returning to his normal cheerfulness. "There's nothing to be ashamed of about hooking up man, I'm glad you're putting yourself out there again, but you don't have to tell me about her if you don't want."

"Yeah, thanks..." Eamon tried to smile while on the inside he felt like dying.

I need help, I need to talk to someone, but who? Eamon thought, spacing out instead of working as José finally left him alone and wandered back to his desk. It has to be someone who wouldn't immediately judge me and is used to dealing with people who are not always on the up and up, do I even know someone like that?


Not even going to say anything, from this point on you know what you've signed up for.

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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