48. Separation Anxiety.

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Eamon stood at the small kitchenette in his office and poured himself a cup of coffee to cut the chill in his bones from the dreary weather outside. He heard the sound of the door open and quickly turned around, expecting to see a potential client who had come to ask for a walk-in appointment, but there was no one there.

The office was empty apart from the two desks, the only other person was Josè who was busy digging through his desk drawers, Y/N was gone. The coffee mug slipped from Eamon's hand and shattered on the linoleum floor of the kitchenette as his heart froze in his chest.

Dread consumed him so strongly that the room felt like it was spinning around him as he rushed to the door and flung it open, dashing out onto the rainy street without grabbing an umbrella. He felt nauseous, as he stumbled from the sidewalk out into the street.

The cacophony of horns, screeching tires, and angry shouting filled the air, but it sounded muffled and distorted, as though he was submerged underwater. Cars piled up as they had to slam on the breaks to avoid hitting the man shambling in the street.

Fortunately, even in his disoriented state Eamon reached the other side of the road safety and continued his frantic search for Y/N. "Y/N! Y/N WHERE ARE YOU?!" he screamed uncaring of who may hear.

He needed to find her, he needed her. He tore at his ginger hair, feeling like he was falling through the pavement into unfathomable inky depths. After everything he had gone through he couldn't stand the thought of being apart from her, it was hell.

"Hey man, are you alright?" Lost in his whirling thoughts he was caught off guard when a stranger noticed his troubled state and put a hand on his shoulder in concern.

"Don't touch me!" Eamon snarled shoving the man away, his face twisted and a crazed glint in his blue-graey eyes.

"Geez ok, sorry. You need to calm down man," the other man huffed backing up several paces before turning and hurrying away.

He's right, I need to calm down, Eamon thought as the man disappeared, freaking out wasn't going to help him find Y/N.  It's no use! How can I be calm when Y/N's not here with me?! Without her I-I-

He drew in several shaky breaths, trying to get off that train of thought. Deep breaths, deep breaths Eamon, She needs you to be calm now, all alone in a big city like this, she must be so overwhelmed. On trembling legs he walked over to a wet bench and sat down in the rain, trying to think where Y/N could have gone.

Moments later his question was answered as he caught sight of her slight frame and H/C hair exiting a coffee shop about a block up the street. She was being pulled towards the curb by a brunette woman with a plum-colored blazer who hailed a cab and climbed inside, pulling Y/N after her. There she is! But who's that she's with -never mind, I'll find out once Y/N is safe.

"Taxi! Taxi!" Eamon called as he practically ran out into traffic, another cab quickly pulled up and he hopped inside. "Follow that taxi! Keep going till they stop, I don't care how much it costs!" He exclaimed, gesturing to the cab Y/N had gotten into, desperate to follow it before it was lost in the city traffic.

"Sure thing boss," the cabbie said, tipping his hat to Eamon and giving him a cheeky grin in the mirror as he took off, weaving in and out of traffic. "Don't worry ain't no one knows these streets better than me."

Why did Y/N run out like that? It's... Unlike her. Did something happen? He stared out of the car window watching rain droplets pour down the glass as they sped through the city, his thoughts racing and his heart throbbing with anxiety. Did that woman she was with do something to convince her to leave, if she did I'll- It's him! The man, the man who almost raped her! A cold chill ran down his spine as he saw a familiar man in a hoodie on the sidewalk flash past the window.

He tried to look out the back window, but he was already gone. Dear God, he's out there and I can't protect her! Eamon thought, a tight panic settling over his chest at the thought. He felt so powerless and he hated it. He covered his face with his shaking hands, he needed to find her.

"Are you feeling alright boss?" The worried voice of the cabbie startled Eamon. He raised his head shakily to see that they had stopped and that the driver was looking back at him with concern.

"Y-yes, I'm fine," Eamon stammered as he moved to get out of the car. After fishing through his wallet he thrust a hundred bill at the driver before stepping out onto the wet sidewalk. "Thank you, keep the change," he said before closing the door.

Eamon sighed as he looked around, trying to get his bearings and find Y/N at the same time. At least it's a nice part of the city, but still, that bastard who tried to rape is out there somewhere- He froze as he caught sight of the same hooded man standing across the street, he blinked and he vanished.

He tried to shake it off but moments later he thought he saw his face reflected in the glass of a bakery, but when he whipped around no one was there. Don't look! It's all in your head! It's all in your head! It's all in your head! He chanted over and over as he continued to catch sight of him in his peripheral vision. Just focus on finding Y/N, she needs you.

After what felt like hours of nausea-inducing anxiety he spotted her smiling face, laughing and talking with the woman in the plum blazer and sharing a large ice cream cone. There she is, thank god! And who's that fucker who took her from me - I want to put my hands on either side of that pretty head and twist-

"Y-Y/N," He called out to her, completely stunned by the violent impulse that had just come into his head. He hated what being apart from Y/N had done to him.

"E-Eamon, I can explain-" Y/N stammered, as she jumped to her feet, the smile slipping off her face as she saw him.

"There's no need Y/N, I'll do it," The woman she was with said confidently as she stood to face him. "Sorry if I worried you Eamon, I was in the neighborhood and thought it would be a nice change of pace for us to hang out one on one, just the two of us you know."

He drew back in surprise once he saw her face, he knew her. This is Rochelle's eldest daughter, I need to suppress my anger or it won't be pretty, he was well aware that she came from a wealthy family who weren't to be messed around with on a whim. "I appreciate the thought, but please tell me in advance you want to spend time with Y/N. I was out of my mind with worry." He said sternly.

"Geez, I'm sorry Eamon. Guess I'm just not used to a parent having enough time away from work to worry when I go off on my own for a few hours." She shrugged as she grabbed her bag, "I'm glad you have time to worry about Y/N," she smiled warmly at her new friend before walking off.

"Y/N come on, we're going home," Eamon told her firmly as he extended his hand.


"-Now!" He cut her off, taking hold of her wrist and dragging her forcefully after him.

Y/N stumbled, trying to keep up with him and carry her shopping bags from earlier. "I-I'm sorry Eamon... I shouldn't have run away I just-" she stammered, tears pouring down her cheeks as she looked at the ground in shame, she hated seeing him angry.

"No, I'm sorry - please don't cry, I'm sorry," Eamon stopped and tried to soothe her. All the anger he felt disappeared at the sight of her tears.  "I'm not angry with you, I know that you just made a mistake, but I don't want you doing anything like this again."

She nodded in understanding but continued to cry worse than ever, covering her face with her hands. Not knowing what else to do he pulled her into a tight hug, shielding her from the wind and rain.

"Come here doll," he soothed her as he stroked her hair lovingly. "I was just so scared - I saw him while I was looking for you, the bastard who tried to rape you and I was terrified that I wouldn't find you in time." He lied, hoping it would deter her from leaving his side ever again.


Eamon is really starting to fall into his paranoia, he's resorting to manipulation without even realizing it. ^~^

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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