19. Over for Dinner.

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The next few days passed by pleasantly enough. Eamon told Y/N regretfully that even though she had the rest of the week out of school he had to go back to work in a few days considering the new legal fiasco involving her old manager, but that he had asked Annie to keep her company during the day so that she wasn't scared or lonely.

Y/N was very grateful to him for how thoughtful and considerate he had been, and it made recovering from the whole ordeal much easier than it would have been otherwise. Thanks to his efforts she was already feeling much better. Annie had honestly been even more appalled by what had happened than both Y/N and Eamon put together and it helped her to know that her fear and discomfort was more than valid.

Wednesday evening came around and Y/N was laying on her cute quilted blanket on her stomach, nose buried in one of the romance books that Eamon had bought her at the mall. She was so engrossed in the story that it took her several moments to realize that someone was knocking at her bedroom door.

"Hey Y/N," Eamon said as he pushed the door open, slipping inside her room. By the tired look on his face, he must have just gotten home from work. "How are you feeling?" He asked her with a concerned smile.

"Much better," Y/N replied with one of the few real smiles Eamon had seen from her. "And I have you and Annie to thank for it, so thank you."

"You're welcome," He replied graciously, still feeling a pang in his heart when she was reminded that good treatment was not something Y/N thought she deserved. "It's my responsibility as your guardian to look out for you after all."

The air was filled with silence, and after a minute of the pleasant quiet Eamon decided to ask Y/N what he had been planning on asking her all day. "Y/N, I'm thinking about inviting my good friend Julien and his wife over for dinner this Friday," he explained being extra careful to keep his voice calm to not spook her. "But I know that you have been through a lot recently, so I wanted to be sure you were alright with having company over before I called."

"Oh, that's fine! I don't mind at all," Y/N jumped in quickly. Even though she generally didn't like new people, as long as Eamon was there she was sure that she'd be fine. "I mean if he's a friend of yours he and his family are completely trustworthy... Right?" She asked, growing a bit uncertain.

He rushed to reassure her, understanding why she would have caused her to worry. "Oh, of course, Julien is the most trustworthy man I know, he even dropped everything to come and stay with me after Sean..." His voice trailed off as he recalled those dark days. He didn't know what he would have done without him. "Anyway, I'll go and call them now." Eamon shook his head, not wanting to dwell on such depressing memories.

. . .

Before they knew it, it was Friday evening and Y/N and Eamon were sitting at the table with the blonde man named Julien who had very sharp eyes, his dark-haired wife Aubrey, their six-year-old son named Rowan, and their baby girl named sky,    around the giant platter in the center of the table with a glazed ham.

"Mmm, dinner is just delicious!" Julien broke the silence that had fallen as everyone concerned themselves with eating dinner. "Did you make it, goodness knows that Eamon couldn't cook to save his life?" He asked with a chuckle as he looked over at Y/N with his green-blue eyes, unable to resist making a jab at his friend.

"Thank you, but," Y/N replied bashfully as she looked down at her lap. Not sure how to handle all the attention and praise. "I-I only helped Annie's really the one who made it."

"Ah, I see," Julien nodded understandingly, giving her a kind smile that could almost rival the ones that Eamon gave her. "Y/N you are such a polite young lady, truly, it's quite refreshing in this day and age. I only hope that Sky will grow up to be like you," he turned his glowing smile to his daughter who was sitting on his wife's lap.

"I-I... Thank you," Y/N stammered, feeling her face grow hot from embarrassment and discomfort at all the compliments that she was unused to receiving.

"Cut back on the compliments won't you dear, can't you see that you're making her flustered?" Aubrey said in a chastising tone as she punched her husband's arm playfully.

"Ouch!" He rubbed his arm and feigned an expression of deep agony, only for her to just roll her eyes at his antics. "Ok ok, I'll stop." He sighed, quitting his act.

"Y/N!" She jumped and looked to her side where Rowan sat next to her. He had a chubby face that was squeezed into an almost comical expression of admiration, executed by his large brown eyes and curly brown hair. "You're really really really really really pretty!"

"Thank y-you Rowan..." Y/N said meekly, praise even from a child making her uncomfortable.

"I'll cut back, but I can't make any promises about him," Julien, snickered, teasing his wife back. Regaining his composure he turned to look at his old friend. "Say Eamon, since the kids get along so well, why don't you and I take them to the zoo this Saturday - that way you can have an afternoon to yourself, Aubrey?" He suggested.

"Well, I'd be up for it, but it depends on what the kids think," Eamon said leniently as he looked over at Y/N and Rowan. "So, what do you say?"

"Yes yes yes!"Rowan squealed, bouncing up and down in his chair in excitement. "I wanna go!"

"Yes please," Y/N answered in a much more shy and subdued tone, embarrassed to admit that she was just as excited as Rowan at the thought of going to the zoo for the first time in her life. "It-it sounds like lots of fun."


I am SO sorry! I can't believe I forgot to publish this yesterday! I'm less than a month away from finishing writing a chapter a day for a year and I'm really starting to lose it. T^T

Again, I'm so so sorry!

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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