Brotherly Bond (fluff, angst)

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A/N sorry i've been a really shitty mood lately so i haven't finished any of the oneshots i start
Also Ik i promised to finish a oneshot like two weeks ago but I forgot to post'em. So now rip your notifs, if you have them. Damn this omeshot is so old jfc

I wanna die 😃👍🏼

Oh and see the person the music is from? Check them out! They have a video called "Songs of the smp" its really fukin good I 10/10 recommend
Bitchy Dream
Tommy angst
Abuse mentions

CW: (Content warning)
Winged tommy
Brotherblade pog

Tell me if i missed anything!

~Tommys POV~

Another day in exile. Why am I here. Why do I exist. What did i do wrong... My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of walking. Shit, hes here. I leave my tent to meet up with him outside knowing whats going to happen. I stare at the ground as if it was the most interesting thing in the world not wanting to maks eye contact. "Stuff in the hole To-" he says as he finishes digging a two block deep pit. I turned towards him 'why did he paus- oh.. oh im so screwed'. There he was, climbing down a ladder into my secret room. My room where I hid all my progress.

"TOMMY WHAT THE HELL IS THIS" he shouts angrily, causing me to flinch slightly. He cycled through his inventory for a second or three and pulled out an axe. An enchanted netherite one named "Nightmare" to be exact. Yeah he's pissed- "Explain. NOW." I take a small step back in shock. "I-im sorry dream I-" fucking stuttering. "I trusted you Tommy! I TRUSTED YOU. This is how you repay me!?" Tears began to form in my eyes threatening to fall. "I- Im sorry Dream I-" "Tommy I am your friend! YOUR ONLY FRIEND TOMMY. I BOTHER TO VISIT YOU, HANG OUT AND ENTERTAIN YOU! THIS IS WHAT YOU DO?".

I covered my ears hoping the yelling and screaming coming from the homeless green man would stop. I don't like loud noises at all. Since the first war I started to hate them. Out of nowhere dream grabbed my arm and proceeded to shove me onto the ground. This is new. He grabbed my wing. Wait what the fuck he grabbed it-. The tears that one threatened my eyes finally fell. I was crying. Pathetic I know. It felt like my entire world was crashing down. I think of whats going to happen. If the worst of worst happens I loose my wings and die, oh well.

There is was, the agonizing pain I felt as the axe hit the bone connecting my wings to my back. I screamed out in pain as tears began to flow out more. I saw a peak of his face, mask? He was grinning, smiling at my pain. Maybe I deserved it? Who am I kidding, of course I did. I hid things from best friend, who does that??

Fuck- there it goes again. I screamed out in paim once more as I felt the other wing get haked (is this the right spelling-) at with his axe. He then got up and released his knee he had on my back that I didnt even notice was there. "Tch, stupid wings" I hear him say follwed by a thump noise being made near where mushroom henry usually is. He must have thrown something.

As he finally leaves I begin to try and get up using my arms as support. Emphasis on "try", I fall down as my attempt had failed. After a few tries I make it up. I stumble my way to tnret. (is that right?? I dont remember the spelling sorry) Looking though my chests I realize that I ran out of bandages. Well shit. Then I remember.. Technos house is near. Well not "near" but its closer then anyone else's homes.

I trudge my way through the trees and then eventually make my way through the snow. Or atleast I tried to. Guess my legs finally gave out cause the next thing you know it Im on the ground, freezing. Its so cold here. Was this even a good idea? Black spots began to dance in my vision, the last thing I see before they took over was a pink blur followed by "T-my!"

Who the fuck turned out all the lights?

/| Techno POV |\

I was just out for my afternoon stroll, Carl was happily trotting besides me unteathered. It gets a bit lonley within these snowey parts. Phil is on some house arrest so I dont get to see  him that often anymore. Though he said he plans on just leaving the nation at this point, I dont blame him. Ghostbur has been around every now and then, though I dont really know why. I was brough out of my thoughts when I heard a distressed neigh come out from Carl.

I turned to see him panicking and kicking around. "Woah! Calm down!" I put my hand on his muzzle and pet his mane to calm him down. What could have possibly made him that scared? Carl kicked at the ground singnaling that he wanted me to ride him. (Istg-) I climbed on and he began to run in a certain direction.

After a while thats when I saw it, or more specifically him. I imedietly jumped off Carl and shouted. "Tommy!" I ran and caught the child before his body hit the ground. He was so fraile. His ribs can be seen through his ripped up shirt.

~Tommy POV~
(Sorry for all the POV switches)

He woke up on a comfortable surface. He could feel a warm source to his right. Opening his eyes he sees a piglin sitting down reading a book infront of him. 'Fucking greek nerd' he thought to himself. 'WAIT TECHNO-' He fell off the sofa in surprise falling on his back. Shit- thats going to hurt in a bit for sure. The suppen noise caused techno to immediately put down his book and rush over the wingless birds aid. He felt Techno pick him up and sofly place him down onto the sofa again.

"Good morning nerd" The piglin let out a small snort. "Mornin.. how did I get here?" "I brought you here. Care to explain why I found you out in the snow bleeding out?" He cringed at the memory, guess thats what the pink blur was tho. He decided to tell techno the truth and boy did the piglins face look like he was about to destroy a whole bloodline after that.

"Hm. Ill deal with that later, for now lets get you somthing to eat. Your just skin and bones."
The Piglin got up and the pheonix limped behind him. Hes finally safe..

1148 words

Lemme know if yall want to see techno kill the green bastard.

Stay hydrated!! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
Happy pride month :>
Ily all so much (PLATONIC :>)

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