DAAAD SOMETHINGS WRONG WITH THE CAT (random but kinda fluff)

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Merry xmas/Happy Yule my friends! (:
This is going to be xmas themed, next year ill probably make it Yule themed


did I miss anything?

~~Dadza POV~~

It was so long ago. Yet it felt like yesterday. The first day they saw him. That small furball we call family.

Two children rushed down the stairs. One screaming with joy. The other was trying to catch up to his hyper brother. A herd of loud knocking interrupted their fathers slumber. "DAAAD WAKE UP! ITS CRISTMAS DAD. HURRY UP!!" A certain brunette kept screaming from out of his room. He yawn and streched before finally getting up. He slipped on some pink fluffy slippers. He wore a green robe with black linings. He plopped a green and white striped bucket hat on his head. Time for a new day.

The door knob opened. He was about to exit the room but was instead shoved back by a small yet kinda strong force. A toddler dove into a hug around his legs. A pink haired one joining them. "Alright, alright. Cmon lets go open your presents." The two toddlers perked up at that. "RACE YA!" The pinkette dashed out the room. "W-wha?? THATS NOT FAIR!" The brunette chased after him. The old man let out a sigh. Why was he cursed to have to deal with these two.

After the old man finally made his way downstairs he saw the two waiting on the floor impatiently. They stared at the bright tree infront of them. Under it was full of presents. "Dadzaaaa hurry up. We wanna open gifts." "Yeah you old man. Hurry up." He rolled his eyes. "Wait here okay? Im going to bring you guys your first gift." The two toddlers nodded happily. Their eyes beaming with excitment.

He returned with a brown box. There were holes in it. Why was it so damaged? He placed it on the ground. The two little kids started to approach it. "Go on, open it up." They slowly lifted off the lid. A small "meow" could be heard. A blond tabby cat looked up at them. The light brown striped layed on its back like a tiger, but cuter. The kitten couldnt be more then a few months old. "His name is Tom." Phil smiled. The kitten let out a soft "mew" before being pick up by Phil. "Be gentle with him okay? Hes still very young."

The two boys were squirming around in excitment. Phil placed the small kitten down to let them play. The boys began to pet him. They awed every time the kitten let out a little noise. He smiled. Thank you Kristen, the boys really do love him.

Of course. It wasnt yesterday. It was 16 years ago. The boys arent five anymore. They're 21. The kitten.. isnt really a kitten. But Phil? Hes still old.

Anyways its now Christmas eve (:

He was sitting on the sofa. Tom was laying in his lap. He pet the feline as he watched the television. He found it very odd that the small tabby managed to live so long. The average lifespan is only 10-15 years, Tom is 16. The weirdest part is the fact that he doesn't look old. He still looks as young as he did when he was 8. That doesnt matter right now though. He might aswell enjoy the time he has left with the little furball.

Tom jumped off his lap and began to make his way to the door. Phil look down at his lap. His poor black pants. Tom began to scratch at the door. "Im coming, im coming." Phil sighed. He walked over and opened the house door. Tom walked outside and jumped onto their stone fence. He sat down and looked at the roas. Phil giggled as he sat down on the porch chair. "So you remember too bud?" Today it the monthly visit from his two sons. They moved out when they went to college. It can get lonely without them, then again he has Tom.

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