...Techno? (Pain pain and more pain)

715 19 2

I got the idea from the video.. here we go-

💘 feel free to but most lore based ones are gonna confuse the hell out of ya
YOO I FORGOT ABT THIS ONE LMAOOO (it was made late feb)

KIDNAPPING (he do be sleepin)
SWEARING (im sorry-)

Did I miss anything?

+^Tommy Pov^+

He was taking a walk around L'crater, he began doing this a lot recently. It calms him down. Oddly enough it makes him feel safer despite the horrors he experienced within its old version. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He looked up at the sun. It was a surprisingly warm day for winter. (ITS LITERALLY SPRING NOW AND IM STILL FUCKING FREEZING WTFFF) In the corner of his eye he swore he saw a pink blur. He turned around but nothing was there... odd.

He carried on with his walk. There was an unusual lack of animals that day. It began to unsettle him. What was that pink thing? It couldn't have been a pig. Maybe it was... no. It couldn't be, he's in prison right? Not that he did much wrong but... he could still be mad? Tommy began to feel nervous. This walk was no longer calming. He began to speed walk back to his home.

As he walked he noticed another pink blur. He paused for a moment. He could hear heavy breathing coming from behind him. There was definitely someone there. He turned around slowly. Please dont be him. Please dont be him-

It was him.

There infront of Tommy stood the all mighty Technoblade. Tommy stumbled back. He was caught off guard despite partially expecting this to happen. His ears were lowered, his tail curled around his leg as it was sort of a nervous habit. "W-what are you doing here Techno..?" The blonde nervously smiled. He tried to make eye contact but he just couldn't. A monotone and semi-rough voice responded. "Nothing much. Just walking by." The piglin let out a small grin. His tusks peaking out from under his lips. They shined in the bright light.

All of a sudden a loud siren went off. It jump scared Tommy. He let out a yelp in response before realizing.. thats the prison alarm. Techno was held with Dream... His face morphed into a look of pure terror. Dream. Was. Free. He looked up at Techno who was smiling. It wasn't comforting at all. It was terrifying. "W-wheres D...Dream Techno?" The piglins face changed into one of semi-pity. "Im sorry Tommy." "W-hat do you mean??" "..." "WHAT DO YOU MEAN TECHNO-??" He could feel breathing down his neck. Someone was behind him. A tall someone. A possible fugitive.

The breathing grew closer. Suddenly the hot breath landed right on his ear. "Goodnight Tommy~" He remembered looking up at Techno, his face was sad and pitiful. That was at least, before the world grew black. He could feel his head hurt. An arm was wrapped around his torso, when he began falling that is.

:)Dream POV(:

Holy cow ive never written that before

"Thank you Technoblade. Your free to go now." He had a sinister grin on his face. Techno nodded slowly before turning around and leaving. That is, after he glanced back at Tommys limp body. Dream looked down at the blonde, oh how small he looked in his arms. He smiled. His little puppet is finally where is belongs. Time to put it away in its rightful box. He giggled to himself, looking up at the sky. Finally, finally everything is going how he wanted it to. Its all going according to plan. He grinned. Time to put on a show...


He made his way back to the cabin dreading every moment. He knew he had to tell Philza. He knew Phil was going to be pissed when he finds out what happened. He just betrayed his other son. The only one with some sense of morality was back into his own abusers hands. And it was all his fault. Before he realized it he was back home. Steve was playing with Carl in the front yard. The dogs digging through the snow and playfully chasing one another. On the porch sat a certain elytrian, his wings draped over the chair, a tea cup in his hands. He sat there sipping the warm drink. Techno walked up to the old man. "Hey Phil.." The bird put his tea down, he turned his head to meet the younger god. "Hey Techno, how did it go?" He smiled gently. Techno could feel the guilt crawl onto his back. It felt like he was carrying a bolder. Philza, being the man he is could tell that something was bothering his favorite child. He smiled kindly. "Would it be better to talk about inside?" Techno nodded in response.

The two headed into Phils house. He turned on the stove and boiled more water, it didnt take too long as it was only a bit. He poured the water into a second cup with a blueberry tea bag. He then brought the cup to where Techno was sitting, he sat next to him. "So. Whats bugging you? Did something go wrong?" Techno set down his cup. He looked away from Phil, not wanting to see the disappointment in his face. "You know how I had to uh.. let Dream out?" Phil nodded,"mhm". "And uh.. how Ranboo died." Phil nodded slower this time, his brain still not yet processed the fact that his newest family member was dead. "Well uh.. I kinda helped Dream kidnap Tommy-" He was interrupted very quickly. "YOU WHAT!?-"

Guess whos too lazy to finish this?

Yup! You guessed it! me

Dear gods I hate myself

958 words.
Pathetic. Its not even 1k
4:16 may 8 2022

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