And I know your tired of the same old song. (about recent events)

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See update 4 if you are confused about the constant re-publishing of this chapter.

Okay so I had an hour to process after learning about Wilburs actions. So heres a post about my reaction, and giving my support to anyone who is reading this. (This was originally to be a status post but it hit word limit. The chapter title is just in reference to being tired of finding out someone you supported is a shit person.)

Let me start this by saying, let all of your rage for Wilburs actions turn into support for Shelby. Do not go after Lovejoys members, do not hate raid Wilbur. Just give Shelby support.

Wilburs apology was half assed, and I'm not going to mention much about it. I am though going to talk about the responses his old friends made.

With Shubble and Billzos mentions of Wilbur messing with the younger mycts, I find myself growing concerned for Tommy as he has yet to respond to it all. I'm worried for the future of the SBI as well, considering this will be the 2nd potential lost member (assuming Philza and Tommy drop Wilbur. Which i hope they do, though because of their family dynamic I can understand why it may be hard to do so.) I'm also worried for the future of the sorry boys, and any other media Wilbur has taken in.

I'd like to say that this does not have to be a reason to end fics, personally i'm separating the irl POS and the characters used in my fics. I don't blame any authors for quitting it all, but i'll be sad to see them go. To anyone quitting this community, farewell.

On the note of the community, i understand this is heartbreaking for many, including myself, who found comfort in him as a CC. For those this applies to, just know that it'll be okay. Everything will be fine in the end, the heartbreak may hurt because like many you may have thought you knew this person, many of us did. It may especially be hurtful considering how out of nowhere this came from. Like stated before, you'll be alright, everything will pass over eventually and that heartbreak will feel more like a passing breeze than a rising storm. If you ever found comfort in lovejoy and YCGMA like I have, just know you can continue to, I recommend pirating the music or listening to it through yt re-uploads / musi as to avoid financially supporting Wilbur.

I'm hoping the responses from the remaining SBI aren't in support of Wilbur, but only time will tell.

Those who have already responded (they have all condemned wilbur) are: (i will only start adding people who are of major relevance to the mcyt community as updating for every cc might get annoying for anyone who gets notifs. I'll do the other non mcyt ccs on replies)
Tubbo (done on twitch)
Brook (brookab)
Dream (he also donated to a DV charity, yippee)
Boomer (whos response was perfect)
Asher (totallynotashtv)

If you wish to check it out, theyve all responded on twitter

Tommy has decided he will respond eventually, but not yet. Do not push him!

James has also unfollowed wilbur on twitter and Philza has removed Wilburs audio redeemable on his twitch if thats anything to whoever reads.

I'd like to end this by saying a thank you to Wilbur for making me gain a passion in music. I owe my joy for ukulele and guitar to him. But also, I hope he falls into a ditch and shatters his jaw, somehow causing all his teeth fall out of his mouth. (/nsrs)

Have an amazing day you silly folk out there. Love you all, please don't let this situation hurt you. My pms are open if you need an outlet during these times <3

update 1: Zeet SMP has responded on a youtube community post

update 3:
He is a mentally unstable and unwell individual, hes already been in a shit headspace before his actions came to light. Do NOT try and kill him with words. I don't think i could stomach that, hearing he'd off himself. In situations like this, suicide is pretty common as well

So please please please, do not try and push him to suicide. What Wilbur did was horrible, but that should not give anyone an excuse to try and kill him. I have already seen so many telling him to end his own life, and I am scared that it may happen.

Update 4: Hey yall! Im going to keep updating this in order to give more information about the situation to those who have no idea where to find it! feel free to ignore every time i update this chapter if you wish.

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