Binder (Hurt/Comfort)

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Three days later and uhh... I promise I did not know wtf was going to happen during the lore. 😃

ALSO LOOOK AT THISSS 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️ I DIDNT KNOW THERE WAS A TRANS EMOJIIIII (My phone doesn't have the update, my iPad does tho.)

DEADNAMING (unintentional)
MISGENDERING (unintentional$)
^Fundy POV^

Finley. Its always god damn Finley. But he cant get mad. Its not like his parents knew. Oh wait, hello there! You must be so confused, like whos Finley and what did she do wrong? Well let me tell you.

Finley isn't exactly a person.. well she is but also isn't. See Finley is Fundys deadname. They sound ver similar he knows. Hes very uncreative and Fundy sounds kinda cool. Fundy is trans, ftm. His pronouns are He/Him, but his family doesn't know that. They think hes Finley, they think he uses She/Her. Its not like he can blame them though. He never told anyone in the house about his gender identity. He just doesn't feel ready. The only people who know are his friends and his uncle. Uncle Tommy specifically, the guy was really supportive and made sure to help keep the boys secret safe. Uncle Tommy has covered for him multiple times and even bought him his very own binder!

Fundy was laying in bed suffering. Why you may ask? Well you see, he hasn't taken off his binder yet. Its been about 18 hours, 10 past the usual time to take it off. Fundy doesn't really care though, as long as he can lay down and just not do anything, the pain would stay invisible. Of course, he cant do that. He has to help his mother and father out. As if on cue he heard a call from downstairs. "FINLEY!" He heard his father shout "his" name. He took a deep breath and sighed. "COMINGG!" As soon as he shouted he could feel his ribs ache. It hurt to breath, let alone yell. He was just going to suffer through it. Anything is better than dysphoria.

The fox boy hopped out of his bed, not bothering to fix the sheets. He opened his door, it was much taller then he was. Guess thats what happens when your father is practically a giant. Don't even get him started on one Uncle Tommys best friends. That person is too tall for their own good. He made his way downstairs, right into the living room where he could see his father waiting. "Ah there we go, Good morning Finns!" Fundy smiled at the nickname, it was so much better than his other name. "Morning dad!" He grinned, his father in return offered a kind smile back. "We dont have much to do today, so you can probably go to one of your friends house later."

Fundy thought for a moment. "Im fine, i rather stay here for when mom gets home." "Alrighty, suit yourself." His father stood up before walking to the kitchen to set up breakfast. His fluffy tail swaying nicely behind him. His father was a tall fox hybrid, very rare for their species. Then again the man was raised by gods so nothing about him isn't rare. He has fluffy brown hair a hazel eyes. Fundy swears hed seen his eyes go red before.. but only for a few seconds. Unlike his father, fundy had yellow eyes. It was more common for foxes than hazel. He had fluffy brown hair that had plenty of white stripes mixed all up in it. The boy had a much smaller tail than his father, it barely even reached the floor.

"Finley! Breakfast is ready!" His thoughts were interrupted by his father calling him once again. He sprinted his way to the kitchen before stopping at the door. He then began to immediately regret it as he felt his ribs ache even more. He father took notice of this. "Finns, you okay?" It was only then did he realize something. His "daughters" chest was unusually flat, it wasn't like she was wearing a baggy sweater like she normally did. It was sort of like a light bulb clicked in his head. "Finley.." The younger looked up at him painfully. "Fin are you binding?"

His world began to crash at those words. His dad found out. Hes going to be disowned he could feel it. He doesn't remember how he got there. There being some random corner of a room, his tail wrapped around himself protectively. His hands tugging at the brown and white strands in his hair, his father worryingly looking at him, not sure how to help calm him down. His father panicked, what was he supposed to do?!

A vivid memory flashed before his eyes, it was from when he was much younger. When he still lived with had own father and his two brothers. Maybe a few weeks after the youngest was adopted. Back then the boy suffered with severe anxiety, this lead to panic attacks. The background of the memory was all white, the only things there were his brothers and a doorway which he was leaning on. He was worried, who wouldn't be. His little brother was on what he could only assume to be the floor. His older brother was crouched in front of the blonde. His familiar monotone voice could be heard. "Hey, ?.?.?..?.?..??.?..?.?!.?. that's it! Your doing so good okay? Let's do it again, take a deep breath. Hold it, now let go. ...?..??...??.?..?.?..." He couldn't quite hear everything he said. It probably wasn't important..

He flashed back to reality seeing his "daughter" in front of him panicking. He kneeled in front of them. "Hey, Finley can you hear me?" The young fox in return shook their head aggressively. "D-don't call me that!" They sobbed. Wilburs expression softened. "What do you want to be called?" They choked back yet another sob. "Fundy." They looked up at their father, tears pouring out their eyes. His poor kit.. "Fundy I need you to listen to me okay?" The kit nodded. "Breath in." He paused for a moment. "Good hold now hold it, your doing so great. Now breath out." The younger fox did as they were told. His father cheering him along the way.

Eventually he got the younger to calm down, thankfully so. They stood in the corner, the kit much more anxious than the older. He sighed, they couldn't stay like this forever.. He put his hand on the kits head, it got their attention as they looked up at him. "Fin- Fundy.. Fundy be honest with me okay?" The younger looked at his worryingly, they hesitated before nodding. "Are you trans?" The young fox took a deep sight. "I uh- yeah. I am. It's okay if you don't really accept me and all I get it! I should start pac-" He was interrupted by a hug. The older wrapped his arms around his kit. "Don't think like that. It wouldn't be okay if I didn't accept you, your my son! Nothing can change that." At the mention of being his son Fundy cried. Happy tears of course! He was so very happy.

"Fundy how long have you been wearing your binder by the way?" "I- uhhhhhh." "Fundy..." "Definitely, totally not 12 hours?" "FUNDY THAT COULD BREAK YOUR RIBS-"

1234 words (yes it was intentional, I thought it was funny)
Happy Pride month gays, theys and those who don't do two people plays! (Haha get it?.. yeah I'm not funny-)
If no one in your life accepts you know that I do! So do the rest of this little internet family that I call ours (:
Beee who you areee for your priidddeeee🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🇫🇷

Posted June 5th at 5:55 am (not intentional but it's funny?)

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