Deathbed 1/? (Angst)

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Im too lazy to chapter set up rn. If this is still here later just lemme kno

This gonna be long as fuck boiiii

(Yes im alive. Shocker)

I just wanna let yall kno, me scrolling past a ghostinnit comic on pintrest is why i'm here (on wattpad) rn. This is PINTRESTS fault.
just a "huh this reminds me.. dont I have a wattpad book?"

sorry yall, I forgor


A spirit, its skin a pale icy blue. It stood in-front of him. It took the form of ram hybrid, a tall one at that. Its face was blurred out, the only details being static. It tilted its head before speaking, its voice echoed through the empty void. "Tom Theseus Watson. On the fourth day of summer solstice, when the sun's glow breaks through spring rain. You will perish. The life you once knew will be gone, you will be but a distant memory to those you love. Heed my warning Tom, if you do not make the most of your time alive, you will regret it for the rest of eternity," It spoke calmly, the mention of death seemed to leave it unfazed. Perhaps its done this many times before, but that didn't really matter right now.

The figure was bent down to his size, its staticky face looking into his own. Tommy looked up, frighted? Maybe. He couldn't tell what he felt at the moment. Grateful? A bit. He can at-least do whatever he wishes now, knowing his death is soon. But he's dying, thats not news you want to hear. Especially when your finally able to see your whole family. After years of separation and all.

The spirit stood back up, it practically towered over the boy. It reached out a misty hand, slowly. Tommy looked up at it with terror, watching as the figure slowly brought it down. His breath hitched and he looked away, scared if the spirit was going to hit him. Instead he felt a cold hand on his head, playing with his curls. The figure sighed sadly. "You'll understand why soon dear Tommy. Why i'm here and why you are bound to join me. I must return to your mother now, sweet boy of  light."

Tommy looked up in confusion. 'Sweet boy of light? His mother? What on earth was going on??' He shook the thoughts off, looking up at the tall ram. He offered the kind spirit a small smile, it wasn't all that genuine but he decided to be polite. "Farewell Tom Theseus Watson. Until we meet again," the spirit spoke before vanishing into thin air.

After she left the void that once surrounded the two began to close in. He didn't notice it at first, as it's hard to tell when a pure black sky is falling down and all. But he began to feel the shadows wrap around his skin. He could barely breath as it squished him into a tight spot. His breath grew heavy as his eyes began to water, he began to desperately plead for help. For someone to come to his rescue.

"Please someone, I-I can't breath!," he gasped for air that it couldn't seem to enter his lungs, "h-help! Someone please," the walls grew in tighter. He began to accept his fate as the black faded into white.

And then he woke up.

There was someone shaking him, his body was being tossed and turned. "T—mmy! T-ms! Yo-r safe! Toms- toms can you hear me? Toms!" The ringing in his ears drowned the sound of the voice calling out to him. His eyes were too blurred to be able to make out whoever was it was. Though the voice was soothing in a way.


Wilbur let out a sigh of relief, hugging his little brother. "You had me worried there Toms!" Tommy let out a noise of confusion so Wilbur continued, "you were shouting in your sleep! You had me and dad freaked out. Hell even Techno looked a bit scared!" Tommy chuckled at that. 'A scared Techno? No way. That's impossible.'

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