Silly Little Theif (angst?)

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Just a mini chapter while I work on the others
A lot of this isnt cannon


did I miss anything?

One day Dove decided he wanted to start a little village. Far away from the sights of any sort of kingdom. He told his two friends Frog and Firehawk about his idea. The two friends loved it! And so they began their journey to this new land they shall call home.

As Dove and his friends built their home, more animals started to join them. Among those animals were two brothers. Nighingale and Raccoon. The two brothers hated home, they needed an escape. As news spread throughout their home town about the new village they left. They left to see if rumors were true.

Raccoon met Goat one day while playing in the flowers. Soon the two were best friends. Goat would show Raccoon all the cool places he found and Raccoon would show Goat all the cool things he found. One day Goat and Raccoon got two music discs. They played music throughout the land. People listened to the music, it was lovely.

Dove didn't like this. Not one bit. If everyone listened to Raccoons music who would listen to his? His songs would go unoticed by the village folk. And so he got angry. He began to take away Raccoons music. Goat tried to get them back but it was no use. Dove now had their stuff.

This made Nightingale mad. He wanted Raccoon to be happy! And so Nightingale decided to start his own village near by. Nightingale invited Goat and his distant friends Robin and Ferret. (hehe. See what I did there?) Joining them was Nightingales son Fox. They started their own place where Dove couldn't bother them! But Dove got mad.

Dove began to start wars with their village. And sure eventually they won. But not without a price. Raccoon was injured badly. Most of them were. Dove laughed at their suffering. He laughed very hard and he turned around and left home.

One day Nightingale started an election. Duck and Ram won it. Ram was angry at Nightingale and Raccoon and so he threw them out. The two were now without their own home. And so they hid. Goat visited from time to time as he worried about his dear friend. Pig, the third brother; decided to join Nightingale and Raccoon to help them get their home back.

But Nightingale? No he didn't that. No no no. Why would he want that?! Nightingale wants it gone! BURNED TO THE GROUND! Haha. Nightingale spoke to Dove who liked that idea. Dove gave him all the dynamite he needed for this task.

Raccoon was worried. What about Goat!? What about Fox!? What about Ferret!? What about Robin!? What about their home!? But Nightingale didnt care. Pig didnt care either and so they blew it to the ground. Pig killed Raccoons best friend. His first friend. Crow came back for once in his life and killed Nightingale. Raccoons poor brother.

Raccoon turned to Dove whos feathers were covered in blood and dust. Dove was singing a happy song. "Why? Why did you help him? You knew he wasn't in his right head! Why couldn't you have just helped him back to bed!" Dove laughed. He laughed as loud at the explosions were. "Silly little theif. Funny little theif." He sang. "I AM NO THEIF!" Raccoon shouted back. Was he a theif? No! No way! "Yes you are you silly little pest. Your a Raccoon you see! You were born to steal. Its what your made to be! Your a theif, just like all the rest. Your a criminal and im a savior. Im meant for all good favor!"

Raccoon frowned. No thats impossible... right? But Dove was proven right as years flew by. Raccoon would end up stealing. Dove would be the hero of the story just like always. Raccoon was born this was. He was a villain. In both his story and everyone elses. That is.. until cat came along.

This is a bleh. But idk what i was doing. Its meant to be pretty fast paced btw. And kinda like a short tale.

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