Second Child Restless Child (ANGST BUT ALSO VENT)

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Second Child Restless Child by Oh The Hellos

Honestly one of the best songs that I could use to describe myself as being a second child. A restless, chaotic, hatable child. Everyone knew how horrible I was far before I could. If only they fixed me. If only they didnt make it worse


Did I miss anything?
Before we begin. Let me let you know that the italic song lyrics are kind of like Wilbur narrating

||Wilbur Pov||
See I was born a second child...

He could still remember that day. Like it was yesterday. The day he became a middle child. Being the second out of three after all. He watched as his little brother opened eyes. The blue balls of joy looked at him, he stared right back. That day he swore to whatever gods out there that he will protect this boy with his life.

...with a spirit running wild. Rotten and free.

He could remember his father leaving. The boy was only 10. What 10 year old should be left alone? Let alone with a kid! Just a quick adventure his ass. Those words were some of the worst lies he had been told. He looked down at his baby brother. His light in these dark times. Sometimes he wished he didn't convince his brother to follow his dreams and join their father. Sometimes he wished he asked Miss Puffy to stay instead of sailing off to find the greatest of treasures

And they saw trouble in my eyes. They were quick to recognize... the devil in me.

He was 13. 13 years old when Philza finally came back. 13 when the man decided to be a father for a bit. Atleast before it got boring again. He would wake up to an angry face. He would ask why the man left only to be shut down. Fair enough. Going into the village wasnt fun either. The folk blamed him for his fathers despair. They blamed his brother for the death of their mother. It wasnt the kids fault! Yet any time he would defend his baby brother he was shut down. He was called a sinner. A murderer, just like his brother. What did he do wrong?

He played his guitar.

He recalled his father leaving again. Definitely not after reminding him how he was just a mere kid. How no one would listen to him. How he was useless! He was a burden. A troubled kid. Nothing but chaos. He sounded like the village folk. If even his father says it... it must be true. Right?

See I was born a restless child. And I could hear the world outside. Following me.

He was only a teenager. Kids make mistakes. Its what makes them human. But this mistake? It was big. It was stupid. So fucking stupid. Now he, a 17 year old. Had a 9 year old and a 1 month old to take care of. At least his friends could help. The pink haired merling would give him baked goods for free. The crowned one would provide him with proteins as long as he promised to make sure the children were safe.

It was the last straw. The day his father came back. THE SINGLE DAY HE CAME BACK. He called Wilbur irresponsible. They had a big argument that only ended up with several bruises on his body but most importantly, several tears in his heart. That was it. They had to leave. He packed up what little stuff poor 9 year old Tommy and little 3 month old fundy had and left. To a place of new beginnings.

To the DSMP.

And heaven knows how hard I tried.

He got a small van for the boys. He couldn't afford much, after all he was barely 18. Fundy grew a lot faster being a child of a human and a nature spirit. He was already a two year old toddler. Oddly enough he was pretty well behaved. Tommy on the other hand wasn't. At least that was until his crowned friend came along. He brought with him a goat boy. Apparently their old neighbor actually had to abandon the boy. Something about politics and bankruptcy.

Tommy and Tubbo, which was honestly an odd name for a child, got along well. The 9 year old and 10 year old were great together. His crowned friend eventually convinced his Merling friend to come along. They all shared both the van and the tents outside the van as their homespace.

That devil whispered lies.. I believed.

He doesn't recall how he got here. They won a war. Several actually. He owns a country now. Did he really deserve it though? Maybe. He didn't want to be here thats for sure. He couldn't stay. Not with his mind running that wild. He could do it anymore. He swore he could hear voices taunting him. Calling him no good.. no good. Telling him to burn it to the ground.... Maybe he will. Maybe he could end it.

He could go out with a bang!

Can you hear it? Can your rumble with it?

The people outside cheered happily. They were free! Free from an evil dictator. Wilbur on the other hand stood inside a stone box. Signs littered the walls. The words written in a crazed mess.

Can you feel it? Underneath your skin?

His hand hovered over the button. All he had to do was press it! Then he could be free! His country could be free! No more Wilbur. Nothing to remember him with except his little brother. His sweet brother. The one who still is so young. The sweet baby boy from all those years ago. He could never bring himself to hurt the boy.

You gotta go on, further then you've ever gone

"What are you doing?"

You gotta run far from all that you've ever known!


You gotta run far all from all that you've ever known!

He slammed the button. This was it. It was his time to die. He turned around to see he so called "father". The man that was meant to care for him. To protect him. And yet he was never there. He had a crazed look in his eye. He smiled brightly


And suddenly...

The world went dark

1085 words

Sorry its so shit. I needed to vent a bit.

Finished and posted at 21:48 9/2/2022

(Feb 9)

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