[21] I did something stupid [✔️]

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Sometime I wish, and wish, but growing up taught me wishing meant nothing, if you wanted something you had to do it yourself, I think that's what lead me here tonight.


With one hand on the doorknob and the other on the wall, I pulled, I pushed, I tried everything, yet this blasted door wouldn't barge. Panic and dread is all I felt. I never liked small spaces, especially when there locked.

My breathing doubles as I kept trying to open this stupid door, "open you blasted thing!" I scream, half way through my voice breaks, showing off just how much of a panic I was in. It felt like the room was closing in on me, I turned left and right, looking for an escape plan, anyway out of here. I had to get out of here. I couldn't be in here, not again.

The room was tiny, and it just kept getting smaller. Lighthead, dizzy, panic, is all I felt. I couldn't catch my breath. I hated this, I wasn't in control, I couldn't control my breathing, let alone myself.  I screamed, and I kicked, stupid move.

I saw the door swing open, before Fig walked in, one of Malachi's men. He was disgusting, rotten yellow teeth, gressy red hair. I don't think he knew what a shower was. Or mouthwash. "Would you shut up!" He growed, like a dog, if we had been in any other situation, I probably would have laughed. I felt him grab my upper arm, before a pinch, and than darkness took over.

He drugged me. Ass.


Again I woke in this same small stupid room. Instead of panic, I felt pain, everywhere. My whole body ached, cuts and bruise lined my sickly thin body. I looked around the room, assassinating it. In the far right corner there was a small dirty mattress, with an ugly itchy looking blue blanket, that was all, not a pillow, not a sheet. Nothing of comfort, there never was.

That was all the room held, the walls were bare, not even a window, only way in and out was the door, that stupid green door, why was it green?

God, I should have kept my mouth shut.


Screams where all we could hear, not just anyone's screams Hayley's. I couldn't stay in the room any longer and listen to this, I had to stop him.

I looked over at Katherine, her red hair was everywhere, as she held Amy tight, a thin grey blanket covering them from the harsh cold air. Jennifer was next to me, a small off white blanket in her arms. She'd tried putting it over us, but I wasn't having any of it, I couldn't take it, it should be me down there, not Hayley. I pushed myself up, Jennifer gripping my upper arm in her icey hands, "don't do something stupid, Annabelle." was all she said, before removing her hand. She knew she couldn't stop me, I had to do something, I couldn't stand back, I never could.

There was glass shattered everywhere, blood on the walls, Hayley's blood.

Another scream filled my ears, quickly rushing down the hallway into the living room, I saw Hayley's nearly unconscious body hit the flood, a small pain cry left her lips. "Stop, please." Without thinking, I rushed over pulling Malachi away from Hayley's broken body, "take me, leave her, she can't take it anymore, please."

Malachi laughed, he was drunk. He was always scarier when he was drunk, he was almost always drunk. "I think if Hayley can't handle it, that's her promble, she gotta grow up sooner or later." Malachi went to grabe Hayley's unconscious body, I went to stop him, to save her, but before I could even move, I was grabbed from behinde, "Now, now little one, we wouldn't want you to get hurt here." Fig's breath fanned my ear, as he held me back, laughing as Malachi threw Hayley around like a ragdoll. Her nearly lifeless body hit the floor with a thud.

"Stop!" I screamed, "your killing her." I pushed, kicked, anything to get out of his hold. With a grunt Fig's hold dropped, and I did the only thing I could think of.

I threw the closest thing I could find, a beer bottle. I watched as it shattered, beer and glass spilling everywhere. Malachi laughed, as he kicked Hayley's already brusied body, "now, now that was stupid, girl."

Fig's harsh hold came back before I could move, "what do you want me to do with her, boss?"

"Take her to the room," Malachi laughed, shortly followed by Fig's. "I'll deal with her later."

That was the last thing I remember before falling into the darkness. "Sweet dreams, little one."


"I did something stupid," I mumbled, pushing myself off of the cold flood, grunting in pain as I did so. "Stupid move, Anna."

"Very stupid," Fig laughed, I hadn't even noticed he was even in the room, "now little one, you're going to be quite, and behave, and I just might let you leave." I don't know why he called me that, I wasn't little- maybe a little too skinny, but that was nothing new- he'd always called me that, since day one. The first time I was locked in here, after Malachi took me, maybe it made him feel more inpowered, like he had more control over me. He never called anyone else little one, it was like it was to single me out, he only called me that, no one else. He knew I hated it, it scared me. "What if I don't?"

"Oh trust me, you don't wanna find out." In the years I'd been here I'd come to know who Fig was, and what kind of person he was, and I knew he was true to his word.

I didn't wanna find out.

I kept my mouth shut, as I watched Fig walk over to the bed, grabbing that dreadful blue blanket. "Your cold, take it" my suspicions were correct, it was itchy, and smelled like something or someone died on it. "Is Hayley okay?"

"Hayley's fine, Jennifer tended to her." there was a knock at the door, before it was pushed open to reveal Malachi, he still wore the same thing I last saw him in. Hayley's blood still covering his clothes. His once white shirt was covered in stains, blood, beer and food spills. I don't think that shirt had ever entered a washing machine, same with the grey jeans he wore. "How are we Annabelle?"

"Fine." I dragged the blanket over me, hiding behinde the blue walls, as if it could protect me.

"Good, I hope you still like your room," Malachi laughed, "your gonna be in here for awhile."

"W-what about the ball?" I showed weakness, you shouldn't show weakness when talking to Malachi.

"The ball?" He laughed, as reopen that stupid green door, "well that can still go on, just without you."


Hey it's Jem

Hey! Happy new year. I know I haven't posted for a while, but I'm planning on working on some more chapters, so expect more soon!

Edited on the 20-March 2021

Posted on the 28- January 2022

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-Jem x

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