[10] Mondays [✔️]

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"1, 2, 3!" Screamed Gabe, Nik, Kia, Mason, Jacob, Joshua, and myself.  A lot of people, I know.

Let's go back a bit, yeah?

*20 minutes before*

"I'm bored,"  whined Nicholas.

We were all gathered around the games table, and by we I mean Gabe, Nik, Kia, Mason, the twins and myself. "I'm bored."

"You're always bored, Nik" Mason did have a point, Nik was always, and I mean always bored.

"No I'm not,"

"Yes you are Nicholas." 

"Don't Nicholas me, Gabriel"

"Well then don't Gabriel me, Nicholas Scott."

"Gabriel Charl-" "Oh shut up the both of you, your doing my head in" I yelled hitting both my brothers over the head. It got them to shut up.

"Wanna prank the others?" Yes. Hell yes.

"Like what?" Kia turned to Joshua, who'd asked the question.

"I don't know, " Josh laughed "But Jake, Alex and I haven't pranked anyone in a while."

That was true, after Annie we didn't really prank people much, or at all.

"What about Annie's favoruite?"

"Now Alex's has an idea." Jake laughed, "prank Annabelle, inplain."

"Will you guys except the challenge?" Ok so my creepy voice is getting better, like way better then when Annie and I were kids, and would try and get out brothers in on this.

"Hell fucking yeah" Theo yelled, followed by Chris and John.

"Plain Annabelle" I said putting my hand in, shorty followed by Nik, then Gabe and then everybody else. "Plain Annabelle" we all cheered.

Now that brings us to here, running into a room filled with people, and in people I mean our families and the rest of the gang, the guys and I had water guns filled with glue and water, while Chris, Nik, Theo, and John were already inside with the other half of the plan set.

We were meant to have glue and water filled water guns, while the other 4 hand buckets filled with hay, grass, glitter, really anything we could find, that would be a pain in the ass to pick up.

But it didn't go as well as we would have wanted.



"Out of all Annabelle's pranks you pick this one?" I laughed, knowing full well they forgot the best part of the prank. "Anna would always betrayed you, and come tell who ever the hell you picked to be the prank-e, to double cross you so you the pranker becomes the prank-e"

"Oh shut up Theo" Gab's tone was hard, but also like he knew that this was gonna happen.

I laughed, "You should have known this, Anna was always 2 steps ahead of you guys."

"Always" John laughed, pushing Gab's arm. Gabriel was tall, and had some muscles, but he looked like nothing compared to Jonathan's 6'6 figure.

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