[22] Breathe [✔️]

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Pain was all I felt, every fibre of my body was screaming for relief. Something to stop the scorching pain. My arm ached, I just holped it was from healing and not from further damage. Over all I felt like I was hit by a firetruck. My ribs were broken, the brusie covered me from head to toe. Malachi had come to say goodnight, before he left for the ball.

Three days ago.

I hadn't heard anything since. No one had entre through the green door in three days, which either meant the plan had worked, or they were toying with me. And Malachi loved toying with people. I couldn't let my guard down, he'd take advantage of that. I just hoped the girls were safe. The girls had to be safe.


Three days turned into, four and than seven, and still not a soul was heard. Annabelle, was cold and alone. Anna couldn't feel anything but pain for the first few days, but now she wished she still had that pain, something to tell her it was gonna be okay. Anna was so use to being the brave one, she didnt know how to handle not being brave. She was scared, so scared. For the first time in her life, she didn't think everything was gonna be okay. She ran out of food and was nearly out of water, not like she'd had much to being with. A moldy slice of bread and an old apple, for food, and two bottles of water. Even if the plan worked, it didn't mean they would find her, before she starved to death, or died from her injures. For the first time in a long time Annabelle prayed, she didn't care who heard her, as long as she was heard, as long as someone up there heard, she'd fight. Fight for her sisters, brothers, mum, dad. she'd fight.

She had too, she promised.

"Get up," she had to get up, she couldn't lay on the floor anymore, if no one could help her, than she had to help herself. "Annabelle, get up."

While her body screamed at her to sit back down, she kept going. Till she was standing infront of the only way in or out of this horrid room, the green door. She pulled and pushed at the door, "as if it would just open," she laughed. "God, Anna get a grib of yourself."

She turned around, taking the ugly, cold room in, looking at every little detail. Looking for something, anything that she could use to get out of here. Anything, she just had to get out. To her dismay, there was nothing, there was nothing. She cursed. "You can't die in here, you can't let him win, Anna" She heard a vocie whisper, not just any vocie, Vanessa's. And in stead of giving up again, she listened, to her dead little sister's words. She can't let him win.

Not again, not ever again. Malachi had already taken too much from her, from all of them, she couldn't let him win once again, not when there's too much at stake here, She had to save the girls, make sure they were okay, before she died. She had too.

With that thought she let the darkness concern her. "He can't win, not again"


"Okay, Annabelle. Breathe in, and out." She whipser to herself, "breathe."

Anna was shaking, she'd wrapped the blakent around her thin body, hoping it would provide for her some warmth, it was scratching as always, but she felt the tingiest bit of warmth coming from the ugly thing. It was all she really had, a scratching blue blanket. "God, I'm really fucked." She whisper to herself, "I can't die in here, I can not die in here. They can't find my body."

As she layed there, watching the door, thinking of different ways she could try to open the door, none of them seemed to work out, she'd need something hard, something to break the door with. She spent the day tryna figure it all out, after she woken.

"Eight days," Eight days since she'd seen anyone, since she'd heard anything, eight days. She only had half a water bottle left. The body can't survive long without water. Food maybe two weeks, best, water, a couple days.

Anna pushed herself up once again, keeping the blanket around her shoulders, she stood infront of the green door, for the hundreth time. There was a handle, and that's really all beside the colour green the door was painted, it was maybe 3 inches off the floor, if she tried hard enough she could see under the door into the hallway, but all that was out there was stairs, meaning she in the basement. Anna shot back up, taking the room in once again, she smiled. "The room was built in here."

She pushed the mattress over so it was leaning again one of the four walls, looking around the room once again, she knocked on each wall, not entirely sure what she was looking for, but remembered watching a tv show when she was still with her brothers, the main guy knocked on the walls, with his ear pressed againt it. So that what she did, till she heard it, the wall to your left when you walked into the room was hollow.

Annabelle pushed at the wall, kicked at the wall, even threw herself at the wall, "god damit, work" Anna didn't stop, not even when the pain came back worst than ever, she had to make sure the girls were okay, she had to get out.

She knew her arm was totalled, she felt it break again when she threw herself at the wall. Annabelle didn't care, Vanessa's word played out in her head again, and again like a broken record, "You can't let him win, Anna." and she couldn't.

"If anyone is really out there, go fuck youreslf." She screamed, she knew it was stupid, but she was so so mad, "Malachi you pice of shit!"

"I hate you," she cried, she cried because of the pain, because she was scared, because everything that could go wrong in ones life, really did.

She pushed herself one last time, hoping the wall would move, it never did.

She was starting to lose hope, she didn't want to, but nothing was working.

All Anna felt was pain, the pain of not knowing, the pain of her bruised and distroyed body.

"I'm so, so sorry." she whisper, as the darkness took over her body once again. Maybe it was for the better, maybe if she kept going at this rate, she die because of herself, and not Malachi. Pain was the last thing she felt, at her head hit the floor.



2/March 2022
-Jem xx

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