[1] Annabelle? [✔]

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31- May 2019

As I walk pass the house I took my first steps in, a tear rolls down my cheek. I remembering playing with my brothers in the front yard. I remember not being able to walk down to the park with out having someone run over and say hi, knowing everyone's names and them, mine. It's been 10 year since I last sat and ate breakfast in the dinning room, or played on the swing with my brother Xander as I called him. I was the only one allowed to call him that, Xander, he was the only one allowed to call me Annie. Though now he would have forgot about me, all of them would have, it's better this way, not seeing them, I miss them all so much.

I had been back in town for the last 6 months and once every week I have walked passed this house. They don't remember me and it hurts, Xander or Alex as he goes by now is one of the school players/ bad boy, along with Nik and Gabe and their best friends, Mason, Kia and the twins Jacob and Joshua. I remember the twins, they had moved in 4 years before I was taken, we were best friends, people used to call us double twin trouble, I remembering having a crush on Jacob, I still do, but he doesn't see me as anything more then the shy, quiet, nerd in the corner of the room with her redheaded sister. No names. Nothing. I've changed from the little girl, I was 10 years ago, the girl who loved being the centre of attention, the little girl that believed in unicorns, fairy, and Santa, the girl who wanted to get married and have 7 kids just like her mummy 6 boys and 1 girl, the girl who loved to dance and sing, who would do anything to get her way, the stubben girl, who hated the word 'No'. Now I'm the shy, quiet girl who hates having people looking at her, who doesn't believe in happly ever after anymore, who doesn't believe in love, no scared of it. A girl who doesn't dance nor sing anymore, nothing more then a small broken girl, missing her family. Wishing to be held by her Daddy and being called his princess, or baby girl. I was nothing but a memory to my family, and thats all they were to me. A memory. A memory of a girl I used to be, a memory to when I was happy. When I smiled and acted like there wasn't a care in the world. The Annabelle I used to be, now I was Aj or Anna.

I was brought out of my through as my uncle Anthony tapped my shoulder, I wish I could hug him, but he doesn't know it's me, Annabelle. His niece, his only niece. Now I'm just a stranger to him, as he is to me. "Hey sweetheart. I'm Tony, are you ok?" His vocie held worry and confusement as to why I was standing here crying over a house, I quikly wipe my tears off with the back of my sleave. "Hi Tony, Aj. Yes, I'm fine, thank you" I said as I quikly walked away from the house full of happy memorys and good things, to the house full of nothing but pain, and fear. Fear of what he'll do to us today and pain of the thoughts of what it'd been like if we had woken in our bed, and not in the tiny off closed room we did, when he took us.


I watch as the girl walks away, she was gorgeous, deep ocean blue, grey
eyes, pale skin, blonde hair, nearly white. She looks like Alexander, what I imaged Annabelle to look like. "Annabelle" I yelled after about 5 minutes of watching where she disapperad down. I run arcoss the street into the front door into the meeting room where everyone was sat, I run over to my nephew Alexander picking him up by the coller as I look deep into his eyes, the same as the girl who called herself Aj.

"What the hell Tony? Get off" Alex pushes me away and I just smile, like a mad man. "Uncle Anthony are you ok?" He then asked, followed by everyone else. The whole gang was here, and my family, and all i could do was smile like mad man. "Hey!" I felt Alex slap me, bringing me out of my tranch "What's going on, are you ok?" he asked.

"I saw her. Annabelle" I say. "She's gorgeous, she said her name was Aj though. I've seen her once a week for the passed 5 months standing out front of Mason house looking over here, so I went over today" I smiled again.

"What do you mean, Anthony? You saw Annabelle?" My brother, Richard then asked. "It's been 10 years how do you know?"

"Cause of him" I say turning to look at Alexander once again. "She looks just like you, just a girl version of you. Pale skin, deep ocean blue grey eyes, white hair, tall about 5'11, skinny."

"What you do with her?" Gabriel, well Gabe asked.

"She disappeared down the street" I said sadly, as the though of her walking away cams to mind.


I walk up the stairs as quietly as possibly as I enter the house I see my 'uncle' Malachi passed out of the floor as my sister Katherine cleans the messy living room, I send her a small smile as I make my way to check on the younger girls, Jennifer 16, Amy 9, Hayley 7, and Vanessa 5. After me, he took another younger girl, Katherine, were are the same age, after her he waited 10 months before taking Jennifer she just turned 7, then Amy at the age of 7 two years ago, and about 7 months ago he took Hayley, she'd just turned 7, then there is Vanessa his daughter, he killed her mother, when Vanessa was 2 because she wanted him to let us go, but he didn't want to, so he killed her. Her name was Beatrix she had long dark chocolate brown hair a deep green eyes, her and Malachi meet when I was 11, had Vanessa when I was 13 then he killed her when I was 15.

"Hey girls" I smile as I watch my 'sisters' getting ready for bed.

"How was the house?" Jennifer asked, with a sad smile playing at her lips.

"Good. I have to stop going now, someone saw me" I try to smile at the girls as they watch me but I just couldn't. Jennifer nodded her head alittle before walking off to somewhere in the houses.

I layed down in my raggey old, broken bed before falling into a dreamless sleep.


Hey it's Jem, this is My Way Home, I hope you liked it.

17- August, 2019

word count 1123

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Love Jem x

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