[11] Go fuck yourself [✔️]

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You know that feeling you get? like when something bad is going to happen? and all you want to do is crawl back into your bed, and sleep away your problems?

Yeah, well that's the only feeling I've had all day, at like the pit of your stomach, wanting so badly to go back to bed, and hide always from all my problems.

Recess had just started and I was looking for the girls when someone pushed me, and me being in a mood pushed the girl back.

"Watch it bitch" this girl was what 5'5, 6 inches shorter then me, and was really thinking she could push me, yeah, no dude, not happening.

"Call me a bitch again short ass and I'll remove your tongue." I spat walking passed her and into the other hall.

"Go fuck yourself, whore" she yelled following me, I should probably keep walking, but I didn't. What was this chicks problem? I don't even know her name, I've seen her around before, but I've never actually payed any attention to her, or her group.

"What did you just call me?" I smiled as I walked back over to her, towering over her short figure. "Say it again"

"Go fuck yourself," she paused, trying to gain something "whore"

By now we had gathered a small crowd, of noise people. Why couldn't people mind their own business now a days? Was that just an urban legend or something "I would, but your boyfriend does it better"

That got a good reaction from her, she went to hit me, but I've had enough with people hitting me today.

Blocking her hit, I had her pushed up against the wall, face first with her arms behind her back, "Watch what you say to me, or I'll brake your arm, whore" using her own words against her.

The girl had short red hair, that was pined in a neat pony tail, while she had caked herself in make-up, I've never seen the point in putting so much on, like some people needed it, but still what are you icing a cake, the cake being your face? Cause if you are, please stay the fuck always from my cakes.

She wore a short green dress that showed her ass, why? She was probably one of those girls who sleeps with anything with a dick. Gross.

"My boyfriend would rather die, then sleep with an over growth giraffe like you" was she trying to insult me? by saying I'm tall? I've always been tall, and people tried saying things like that when I was a kid, I've always though it was funny, yes I'm tall, now please get lost now people.

"Babe, don't count yourself lucky" I whisper into her ear "guys like him and girls like you, don't mix well together"

"What's that suppose to mean, bitch" she hissed.

I smiled before pulling her close to me and then smashing her against the wall, hard. "Oops"

I did tell her to stop calling me that, right? Maybe? I can't remember.

I watched as the girls friends helped her up, as she screamed saying something about me, she had blood coming out her nose and lip, I was going to brake her arm, but I want my lunch brake, I need to pee. "Bitch" she yelled as she was dragged away.

"Takes one to know one" I yelled after her, turning around I came face to face with Kia and Mason.

"That was my girlfriend." Kia spat, ohh he looked pissed, but she had it coming, kinda. I just really wanted to do that, as well.

Kia was hot, even I can admit that, he had light brown eyes that were glowing right now, making them look lighter then usual kinda like caramel brown, he also had brown hair, with curls, about 6'4 in height, he had a few freckles now that I look at him, dark full lips and a strong jaw line.

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