[19] Crybaby [✔️]

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I've always loved the night, the dark, the mystery, when it's dark you can see the starts, and sometimes the starts give you hope, like how Peter Pan gave hope to those kids.

Maybe the dark is my Peter Pan.

Some people are scared of the unknown, because it's unknown, it's a mystery, you don't know what's gonna happen, but sometimes the unknown is good.

Sometimes a little bit of the unknown, is like lollies, sometimes you want more. Sometimes they make you feel sick, and sometimes you just don't want any at all.


"Anna let me have a look at your arm," Jennifer called, walking in with the first aid kit, and clean bandages, Katherine right behind her. "I've gotta change that cloth anyway."

"Fine, but be gentle, it really hurts." It's been two days since I've sprained my arm, and it's not getting any better, it's bruised and swollen, and just yuck in general.

"I will, now pass it over Annabelle." Fine, miss bossy.

"I said gentle," I yelped, as soon as her cold hand touched my arm, she put all gentleness out the window.

"Okay, I am. Imma unwrap it, okay." Nodding, I watched as Jennifer slowly unwrapped my left arm.

The sight alone made me want to vomit. My skinny pale arm, was now green, purple, blue, black and even a little grey, and more swollen than  I'd ever seen it, with throbbing pain too it.

"Bloody hell Anna," Katherine hissed, pain evident in here eyes. "That's definitely broken."

"Okay, imma wrap it then we gonna put it back in the sling, and hopefully the swelling with go down soon, and the pressure will help the bones set back in place." Okay, bossy Jennifer's gone, and it's just doctor Jennifer.

"Are you sure?" Katherine asked, "what if you don't set it right, and it's heals funny."

My eyes widened, what if it sets funny, would I still be able to use it? It's my dominant hand as well, am I just gonna have to learn how to use my right hand for everything?! I don't have the patients for that.

"Okay Katherine, your scaring her, talking like that." Jennifer laughed, "don't listen to her Aj, it's not gonna set wrong if you let me do it right, tho it might hurt."

"You said you'd be gentle!" I yelled, then quickly shut up remembering Malachi was home, and asleep downstairs. "You said you'd be gentle, Jennifer."

"I know, but if you want it done right, it's gonna hurt." Jennifer tone was the same one I used with the girls, when trying to be strict but also nice, "so stop being a crybaby, Annabelle."

"I'm not being a crybaby," okay maybe I was, but I was scared, and in pain. I had a right.

"Sure, now give me your arm, and if it hurts squeeze Kat's hand, okay?" Jennifer spoke pulling Katherine down next to me, and then putting my right hand in hers, making me squeeze it "see just squeeze Kat's hand if it hurts too much."

"I got it Jen," just do it, before I back out. "Let's just get it over with, yeah?"

"Okay on three, imma start putting more pressure on it," I nodded, feeling like I should trust her, but at the same time I shouldn't. "One, two"

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