[15] Questions [✔️]

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It's been two days, two days since Jennifer told us the plan.

Witch meant there were 28 days till the ball.
Twenty-eight days.

Twenty-eight, I'd never thought of it being a big number, but now, I feel like it's the biggest number in the world.

Twenty-eight days
672 hours
2,419,200 seconds

Now tell me it's not a big number, looking at it like that it feel like forever.

Twenty-eight days, but 28 days off ten years, is nothing.

Ten years is 120 months
521.77 weeks
3,652.43 days
87,658.2 hours
315,569,520 seconds

Now this twenty-eight days feel like nothing, compared to ten years.

Ten years, ten years have passed without her, without my sister, twin sister.

"Do you ever wonder how he got in and out without anyone noticing?" Chris wondered, "I just mean, the gang was over, half of us where in our bedrooms, right next to hers, and we didn't hear a thing"

"Why'd he do it?" I mean I had a valid point, she was his niece, I know him and mum had a fight, or something but that didn't give him a reason to take her.

"You both have great points," Jonathan, the voice of reason "but right now, we have to act like we know as much as we knew last week and the week before or everything will fail"

"And Anna, and the girls have done to much for it to fail now" Theo mumbled chewing on a red straw.


"Alex," Ryan called. "I wanted to talk to you about your class work in maths"

"Why?" I knew why, I was failing, and I'd always done well in maths, it was the only subject I was any good at.

"Well your test, you failed," Ryan laughed, "but I'll let you retake it tomorrow."

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow Ry"

"How'd the test go?" Chris asked, it was the next day, and I'd just taken the test for maths.

"Feeling pretty good about it," I smiled. "How are you Christopher?"

"I'm fine, little sleepy"

"When are you not tired Chris" it wasn't a question, more of a statement. He was always tired.

"In like those really rare moments for me"

"Rare moments" Nik laughed

"I'm out" I laughed, not wanting to witness a fight between the two, anything and everything could start a fight with them, I mean it.


Everything's ready.
Now we just wait, for the next 27 days.
To the stupid ball, and hopefully the end of this.

Malachi was once again passed out on the couch, I don't get why he chose to keep that thing it was old, and more destroyed then his car, and that's saying a lot, because his car was disgusting, and I swear it breaks down at lest once a week.

"Let's go to bed, it's been a long day" Katherine whispered pulling me away.

"Yeah, come on bedtime" I smiled at Hayley and Amy, Katherine was right, it's been a long day, and the girls needed sleep, as much as I did.


"Hey Jennifer," I smiled, Jennifer had started working at Ally's Café a few weeks back, tho we only found out a few days back when Allison, Jacob and Josh's Mum told us.

"What can I get you lot?"

Jennifer had finished work early today, so we were all just hanging around Ally's talking before she had to go

"So Jennifer?" Theo called, "what's Anna like?"

"She's smart, and hardworking" Jennifer laughed, "very competitive, and she's can be really mean at times, but she's always got a good heart"

"So how long have you all been together?" Had they all been together from the start? Had they always had each other, or was this new, I'd asked, hoping for the best answer.

"No, Anna was by herself for while, he didn't take any of us till we were seven" Jennifer's brown eyes meeting mine, "it was only for a few months, but she doesn't talk about what happened in those few moths."

"I guess, tho she has had you guys most of the time" Jonathan smiled, while Jennifer nodded.

"Yeah, she's like our big sister," Jennifer smiled "one of those sister, you hate for being bossy at times, but you love them no matter what"

"She was always bossy" Theo mumbled, she'd alway boss him around the most.

"Don't say it like its a bad thing" Jennifer smiles, leaning over to mess up his hair, "her bossy-ness is quite useful at times"

"Hey I gotta run," With that Jennifer walked off, laughing at Theo's face he'd pulled after having his hair touched.

Sometimes I think he's just a big child, stuck in an adults body.

In 4 hours it will be 26 days, not 27 anymore, just 4 hours and it be closer, the closes we have gotten in the last 10 years.

Just 4 hours, and it's be 26 days to go.

I still need to get my suit or whatever for this ball, I'll ask mum about it tomorrow (Mental note).

"Go to bed Alex" Gab yelled

"How'd you know I'm up?" I screamed back, hopefully not waking the family or anyone.

"I can hear you thinking, shut up" Gab's voice filled the room next door, and into mine, having him right next door was always a pain, I swear, I can hear him walking around sometimes, and I beat he can hear just as much as I can from his room.

"Goodnight Gabriel"

"Goodnight Alexander"


Hey it's Jem

This chapters really short, and most likely really shitty and I'm sorry about it, I wrote this last night, well more like at 2 am, but still.

Sorry I haven't updated in a long time, I haven't really known what to write, hopefully you'll be getting more chapters soon.

Hope everyone's staying safe, and away from people.

12- April 2020

🐣 Happy Easter 🐣

Don't forget to

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Edited [✔️]

-Jem x

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