[3] Yes...? [✔]

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Later that day, 5- July 2019

I slowly dragged myself home along with my sisters, we had just picked the 3 younger ones up from school, Jennifer was off doing that project again, leaving me and Katherine to look after the kids, clean and making dinner. Lovely.

It was hot Friday afternoon, thank god it was Friday, I can't handle another day of hell, oh wait I mean school. Oops.

Vanessa was talking her head off to Amy about her day and how Mrs. Cam gave her a yellow card for speaking in class, when she shouldn't have been, or when she was put in time out for back talking the teacher. It's was quite amusing seeing her get angry at such little things. While Amy was trying to be nice, while trying to stop herself from ripping her ears off.

"Vanessa why don't you give Amy sometime to herself?" I asked, giving in to the pleads I was receiving from my youngest red headed sister. She smiled as a thank you, while Vanessa ran ahead to the others.

"God, can she talk," Amy laughed, watching Vanessa talk to Hayley. "thanks by the way." I just smiled at my sister as we continued to walk 'home' if you can even call it one.

A home is somewhere you're meant to feel safe, loved and cared for, a place you look forward to go, after a long day of school/work. Not somewhere you feel nothing but terror, anything but love, nor a place where you're abused for the tiniest of things, like severing dinner a couple minutes late, for making too loud of a foot step, pointless thing like that and more. No, it is not a home, it's a house it's physically there but not mentally, a home for few and a horror house to me, us. 6 little girls. Missing their mummy's and daddy's.

As we slowly walk up the old broken, wooden stairs of our two story, turquoise house. The wooden floorboards creaking under our heavy feet, the dimly lit hallway, leading to the living room, kitchen and up stairs to our bed room, and bathroom and our 'uncles' bedroom.

I slowly walk down the hallway to the kitchen getting potatoes and carrots out to make dinner for everyone, seeing as it was 4:37 pm and Malachi gets back at 7 giving me time to cook, clean and serve dinner before he gets back, hopefully Jennifer will be back before he is.


I sit in my last class of the day. HSIE. The teacher goes on about Adolf Hitler, and how he was so bad or whatever, as I play with the ends of my black worn out hoodie.

"Jennifer? I asked you a question?" I heard as I look up to see a angry looking Mrs. I don't even know her name.

"Sorry. What was the question again?" I asked as I see everyone staring at me, waiting for the old hag to show me up. Hearing a few chuckles and people trying not to laugh.

"I asked, when did Adolf Hitler die?" She say as a wicked smile grow on her face, as her dark brown eyes held amusement. "and how?"

What? That's so easy, doesn't everyone know that? I thought to myself before answering her question.

"Adolf Hitler? When did he die?" I asked myself as I watches her smile grow, thinking I didn't know. Thinking I was stupid on the subject.

"Adolf Hitler was born April 20 1889. Married Eva Braun on the 29 of April 1945, died less then 40 hours after on the 30 of April 1945. Suicide a gun shot to the head along with new wife Eva." I stated before continuing to embarrass the old hag as she went red "Thought only Eva's body was found, in their bunker. Their was anthor body found reported to had been Hitler's, but later research say otherwise." I smiled sweetly at the teacher as she huffed and walked away.

"Show off" Gabe laughed. Now Gabriel Summers or Gabe as he prefers. He was one of the schools bad boys as they say, but he's actually really sweet, he just acts all tough and strong. I learn he's the youngest out of his siblings, he has 5 older brothers and had an older sister. He is good friends with the other bad boys of the school cause their best friends with his brothers, or something.

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