[2] Those Eyes? [✔]

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Present day 5- July 2019

It's been 2 months since I last went to the house, I still see Xander, Gabe and Nik at school, but they don't know it's me, I keep my head down and hoodie up, all the time, I wish I didn't have to wear it sometimes but it hides the burses and cuts I have all over my body.

I was home alone Katherine had taken the girls to the park, and Jennifer had to work on a project with someone, 'uncle' Malachi was at work and would be home soon, I was cleaning the house, and doing washing when the front door brushed open and there stood my 'uncle' pissed as all hell, he took one quick look around before his dark blue eyes met mine, his were fill with anger, rage, and something else, while mine held fear, and pain, it's been years since they held happiness or love. I took a step backwards as he took one toward me, his eyes now held amusement as well as the unknown one. He grabbed me by my upper right arm, dragging me down to the basement.

Once in, he pushed me against the stone, cold wall, before dropping me to the floor and getting the belt, he beat me with it for half an hour or so before changing it to his pocket knife and cutting the word "Nothing" into my upper thigh, he then counited to kick and punch me till I black out from the pain. I learn a long time ago, not to fight back, scream, cry, anything or it's just 10x worst, I had became use to it so now it doesn't vase me as much, I'm still scared of him and everything, he just doesn't put me through the pain he want me to endure anymore.

I sat up feeling a broken rip or 2, the word "Nothing" dug into me, bruises every where, my usual pale white skin turning a black, blue and purple colour, a spit lip, and a black eye. I slowly stood making my way to the bathroom locking the door and undressing, before turning the shower on, and washing the dirt, blood and more off my body, it burnt when the warm water touched my skin, but it hurt worst when it got to the word "Nothing" now on my thigh. After showing I changed into black tacky daks and a grey hoddie slipping on my warn out runners before wrapping my broken ribs up and cleaning the cuts and bruises with make up, and other things. I check the time. 9:47 am. I was late, I'd never been late before, I quickly grab my bag and run out the front door walking the 20 minutes to school. I make it to school just before 2nd period finished, I head to the office for a late note then to class. HSIE. There was about 7 minutes left so I didn't brother getting my books out, I went and sat at the back next to Katherine.

"Hey Anna, you alright?" She asked, voice full of pity and sorrow. I just nodded my head a little before looking down at my hands.

After HSIE, we had Maths, with Mr. Benson. He was about 25, short cut dirty blonde hair, with dark brown eyes, he was tall, and had a few tattoos, he was my favourite teacher, his classes were always fun, and I was actually really good at maths. I don't know why tho.

Katherine and I walked to class together, her 5'7 figure, to my 5'11. I had always been 'tall' I guess, I was always short next to my brothers. Alexander is now 6'3, Gabe 6'1 and Nik 6'4, I haven't seen much of my other brothers, but from my guess they would be pretty tall too. Christopher, Theodore and Jonathan.

"Hey girls" Mr. Benson smiles as we walk into his classroom, before anyone else does, well normally, just not this time, in the last couple rows sits, Alex and his friends, Kia, Mason and the twins Jacob and Joshua talking, no one is ever here before us, and now the 'bad boys' of the school are early to their Maths class, strange. I wonder what they're up too...

Katherine and I took our normal seats at the very back, next to the window, away from everyone. Mr. Benson wouldn't really ask us questions, cause he knew, well everyone knows, we only really talk to each other, sometimes other people, but not often.

"Hey! Redhead, friend!?" Kia yelled to us, Katherine looked up, but I kept my focus on the book I had in my hands. "The Girl in the moon" By 'Terry Goodkind' (Really good book, just so ya know)

My Way HomeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ