[7] I miss her [✔]

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I met a superhero
I lost her
I want her back
She did things to me that no one else could
And I miss that

I sing alone as the music blast from my headphones, while I swing. The swing was old and rusted, but I didn't care. I loved this place.  It was always that place Annie and I went, if we needed time, or if we just wanted to swing. 

We'd always have contest to see who could go higher, I'd always win, and she always say 'You cheated. Rematch'  She was stubbed, and hated being told 'No'.

I push myself higher, imaging she was here swinging with me, 'Come on Xander' I imaging her sweet happy giggle, as she swings higher and higher. 

Annie was my best friend, my secret holder, my other half, my twin, as I was hers.

Annie short for Annabelle. I was the only one allowed to call her that, Annie. Like she was the only one allowed to call me Xander. 

Not even the twins were allowed, they never dared to anyway. Jacob and Joshua moved in when we were 3, four years before she was taken. 

We were always together after they moved in, we'd always play pranks on the gang and our families. 

Annie was always so full of life, she could make anyone smile, she was crazy and joyful. Everyone loved her, she was the life of the room. 

She was Annabelle Josephine Margaret Summer, no one else, she was her, no matter how crazy, stubborn, or stupid she'd be, she was her, Annabelle. My baby sister by 13 minutes. My twin. My other half. My Annie. My best friend.

I watch as the sky changes from blue to orange, pink and purple. I sing alone to the music coming from my headphones. 

Annie was an amazing singer and dancer, she loved to move, and to voice her opinions.

When the swing comes to a stop I hop off slowly walking home, watching the birds fly high in the sky. They were free, well as free as you can get, only boned, by the invisible barrier in the sky, stopping them from going any higher, then possible. 

I listen to 'be alright by Dean Lewis' as I walk up the steps.

And my friend said
"I know you love her, but it's over, mate
It doesn't matter, put the phone away
It's never easy to walk away, let her go
It'll be alright"

As I walk in I see my Mother sitting on the couch, waiting for her brother Malachi to come, she'd called him asking to come over, that she wanted to talk. 

I've never met my uncle, but my older brothers have, Jonathan and Theodore. They always said he was odd, and Mum and him, weren't on good terms.

"Hey little Alex" Jonathan laughed as he messes up my hair, some of his mate from the gang laugh.

Jonathan had 4 good friends from the gang James, Nix, Lola and Lip. They had been friends for years now, since when Annie and I were little.

"Go away, idiot" I pushed his hand away as I walk around him and his mates.

"Aww is little Alex in a mood?" Jonathan loved us, but he loved to tease us even more.

I ignore him, walking to the kitchen to get a drink, my Dad and brothers are all in the kitchen drinking, eating and talking.

"Hey Alexander" Dad greets as I walk in, I nod as I walk over getting a glass and filling it with water.

"Come on Alex" Jonathan says walking in, after seeing his mates out. "what's up?"

This got everyone's attention, god why?.

"Nothing" I short answer my eldest brother, not wanting to talk about her well not right now.

"Really Alex, what's going on?" My father asked.

"Nothing, can you let me out?" I try to walk passed Christopher as he blocked me in.

"Alexander" Christopher says.

"What's wrong? Alexander, you know you can talk to us, right?" Theodore said.

"You sound like a bunch of girls right now" I say, still stuck in the kitchen.

"Alex what's happening?" Nik asked looking worried, "did you get your period?" he laughed, making everyone laugh too.

"Fuck off Nicholas"

"Language Alexander" My father says, "and don't be rude Nicholas"

"Serious note, what's going on Alx?" Theodore, always the caring and loving brother asked.

"Do you think she misses us?" did she miss us, or was she happy with her new life, new family?

"Who?" Gabe asked, always the last to catch on.


"Do you really think that was her, out front of Mason's that day? Or did uncle Tony, just think so cause she looked like me?" I'd always wonder if it was really her, and if it was why hadn't she come home, "if it was really her, why hasn't she come home? Is she happier there, then she was here?"

"I don't know Alx, I wish I did but I don't" Theodore say, all my brothers and father now looked sad, "I'd rather hope she's OK, and is safe, more then anything" he paused looking me in the eye, "but no matter what I know she loves you Alex."

I smiled at my second oldest brother, a sad one, but still. "Yeah"

"I just wish she was still here, and we got to watch her grown up, and not some stranger"

After my little heart to hear with my brothers and father, I sat in her room thinking, her room was still the same, no one had the heart to change it.

Still the same fairy floss colour bed sheets, blue and pink, matching her curtains, her teddy bear sat on her bed, Mr Floss, short for Mr Fairy Floss, that girl loved her fairy floss.

Her baby pink bedside table and cheat of draws, her wardrobe, still with her little outfits she use to wear. 

Her toy box at the foot of her bed a light shade of baby blue, with all her toys and things in, her little shoes under her bed, where she'd put them.  Annie always hated mess, she'd always make her bed and clean her room, Mum said she had OCD or something, but I never cared. 

I sat on her bed with Mr Floss listening to the outside world, crickets singing, tresses dancing to the wind, owls humming to their own beat.


I watch as my little brother walks out of the room. Alexander took it way harder then anyone else when Anna was taken, he was her twin, other half, closer to her then anyone.

"Do you really think he's OK?" I question, I missed Annabelle as well, she was my baby sister, just those 7 years with her, we're the best years of my life, she was fun and silly, so full of joy and everything.

"He misses his twin" Gabe said, Gabe had been pretty young and didn't really understand what had happened when Anna was taken. "Image if Anna was your twin and one night she was gone, how would you feel?"

Before anyone could answer the door bell rang, telling us our uncle had arrived.


Hey it's Jem,

I know, I know I haven't updated in a while sorry.

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Edited [✔]

30- September

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