[8] She'll be right. Hopefully. [✔️]

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One week, that's all it took for her to come running back. Margaret had call early today, asking me to come over to talk I knew she'd never be able to live without me.

Annabelle was out, I laughed as I saw her still out cold, on the bed. The girls had moved her when they got home.

I'd always hated girls, my Mum, sister, aunts, females.

I don't know, what about them pisses me off so much, they just do. They're the weaker sex, the dumber. They can't do anything without whinning, and complaining. Brats.

Knocking off the lid to my beer, I sit back in the couch watching TV, the only show on was something about nature. Boring.

I watch as Vanessa came down stairs and into the living room, she smiled.

"Yes?" I'd always been easy on her, she was my daughter, close to the love of my life's daughter, no one could replace her, tho Beatrix tried, she was close but not close enough.

I loved Beatrix, I really did. But she'll never be her.


"No, Malachi, please listen" My sister pleaded as I stood to leave.

"No" I slammed the door closed as I walked out.

I'd never been good in these kind of things, and she knew it. So why'd she ask me? Doesn't she usually run these kind of things?

A ball is one thing, but it has to be themed.

How the hell am I meant to do that?

At lease I have a few months.

4 months.


"Fig, I need you help" Fig is my next in charge, and my best friend.

"Yes, boss" he laughs, knowing I wouldn't call for just anything. "What can I do for ya?"

"We have to plan a ball" I huff out, I hate balls, to many people, to much going on.

"A ball?" Fig question, I knew he'd question what I was on about, I just need his help, not him undermining me.

"Yes a ball, Fig. Now I need your help, are you in or are you just gonna sit there undermining me."

"No, sorry Boss." He pauses "Yes, I'm in"

"Good" Now we just need to plan this "4 months, that's all the time we have."

"How many people?" Fig asked, it was a good question, how many people would be attending.

"All I know is, a few gangs, and the Golden Gang"

The Golden Gang, is the biggest and scariest gang in all of the World. The leaders have always been the first born of the Golden family, at the moment it was being run by Grey Golden. The only child of Greyson and Lyla Golden.

No ones other then the gang has ever seen and lived to tell the tail of Grey Golden.

He's someone I've always respected, he doesn't take shit, and all.

"Golden Gang, GG nice. Will Grey Golden actually show?"

"Hopefully, we'll be the first ball he shows to." I'd bloody hope he shows, I'd like to met the guy, maybe over take the Golden Gang, cause they can't always be the top gang.


I smile as Jennifer fell to the floor covered in her own blood, she's been acting up, talking back, looking out for the girls as Annabelle's is still out, hopefully she won't wake up.

"You wanna be a smart ass?" I laughed "well you can't, cause your not smart, your stupid. Your nothing. Your own parents didn't want you."

"Shut up." She cries "They did, you took me from them, like you did to the Hayley, Katherine, and everyone else."

"I helped them, they didn't want a stupid daughter like you" My fingers drip blood as I broke half an empty beer bottle.

I grab her dark blue shirt, ripping it, before dragging her away.

Jennifer has always tried to still up for the girls when Anna wasn't around, this was like the 9 time Anna hasn't woken up, a few hours later, she's always up with in a few weeks, so I don't see the point in being worried they should be use to this.

Jennifer had always wanted to help out but never does unless Anna's out, Katherine never tries to help, she's a brat like the others. She's a little smarter then the others knowing not to step up and try to help the others, there idiots, she's just a little less of one.


It's been a little over two weeks, and Anna still hasn't woken up, what if she never wakes up?

"I'm scared Amy, she's never been out this long" Vanessa was over worried, she'd been crying most days, not leaving Anna's bed, none of us have.

The last time we went to school was before she'd been out, now none of us are going to make sure nothing happens to her, I'm worried, were all worried.

"What if I go get someone?" I asked, my voice was sore, from not using in days.

"No, no we can't, we just have to wait till Anna wakes and she'll take us, she has to" Katherine was never good in these kinds of situations, she hated being in charge, she didn't know what or how to do thing.

"We can't leave her here to die"

"She's not going to die, Jennifer" Katherine and I had been going backwards and forwards the last few days, I wanted to take Anna to the hospital, doctors, someone just to make sure she was OK, but Katherine always says to wait it out, she'll be right.

For her sake, I hope so.


"Come on we have to go to school today, Malachi drunk"

I tried to get the girls to move as quietly and fast as possible, he was passed out on the couch will a scatter of bottles next to him, half were empty, some had cigarette butts in 'em and some weren't open yet.

"Kat will look after Anna" I told myself over and over again. "She'll be right"


"She'll be right" 

Kept replying in my head, like a broken record player.

"She'll be right."


Will she? She's never been out this long, I'm scared, the girls are scared, without her, without Anna we won't make it, she was the fighter of the family, she held us all together. We need her, we do if we wanna make it out of here alive. We gotta. We have to, make it out alive, or all this was for nothing.


Hey it's Jem,

Sorry I haven't up dated lately been in Melbourne with family still here, and haven't had much service in awhile.

13 -January 2020

Happy New Year, hope you all have a good year.

What year are you guys all in, I'm in year 10 this year 😅🤣

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Edited [✔️]

Love Jem x

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