[17] Headache [✔️]

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*1346 words* I think this is my longest update yet, sorry it's taken so long, hopefully this will make up for it
-Jem x



When I was little I believed that everyone had good in them, but as I grew up I felt the harsh reality of life, and I learnt that not everyone is what they may seem.

So I grew to stop believing and seeing the good in people.

I stopped believing in Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, and things, and I just grew to believe in myself, or well I tried too.

I tried to believe in myself, for the girls, and myself, but having someone constantly put you down time, an time again made it hard.

I feel like it's one of those silly quotes you see, "believe in yourself and you can do it" kind of thing that I need, but it's hard.

You can hope, and believe and even dream of it, but most of the time, it's just hoping and dreaming, it'll never happen you just gotta wake up and face reality, as harsh as it is, you've gotta face it at some point, so why bother trying, if you know you'll never succeed.

Hopes and dreams, that all it'll ever be.


"Hayley hurry up," Amy's voice rang throughout the small, dimly lit room. "We're gonna be late!"

"We're always on time, no matter what Amy," Hayley called back annoyed, as she fixed her dirty blonde hair. "If Anna has it her way, that is."

"Don't have to be a brat, Hayley Marie." Jennifer mumbled, taking hold of the rusty door handle before pulling, letting the hot, fresh air in as we left.

"Am not!" Hayley's wined out , it was one of those days, where everyone was in a bad mood, and everything and anything can annoy them. "Don't call me Hayley Marie, Jennifer Scarlet."

"She's just stating the truth, you can be a brat, Hayley." Amy smugly smiled as she ran off, Hayley hot on her trail.

"School here we come." I half laughed, not ready for the days events to start.

"Just remember Aj, 13 days" Katherine smiled, using the nickname she'd come up with when we were younger. "13 days of this hell left."

"Still we don't know what's gonna happen in those 312 hours, till then."

"Annabelle don't be such a Debbie Downer, we know that, this is us after all" Jennifer pushed, walking ahead. "We already have so much pressure on us, we shouldn't be doubting ourselves."

"Jennifer's got a point, Ann." Katherine spoke, keeping pace with my fast walking. "We already have enough negativity in our lives, we shouldn't be putting ourselves down. We just gotta believe and have a bit of faith, as godly as that sounded, we gotta."

"Yeah, I know Kat," school was up head, I was thankful that both high schools, and primary schools of Riverhead were close by, making it easy to check on the kids with them being so close by.

I'd spoken with Vanessa's old teacher Miss Beth, saying that Vanessa had moved away with our aunt, for a more full filling childhood, in a better neighbourhood and environment, she just said she was happy for her, and would miss seeing her everyday.

We all miss seeing her everyday, Miss Beth.


"I hate school" Gabe moaned, "there's really no point in it, we can learn more off of google then a stupid teacher."

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