[6] memories [✔]

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(* Hey so this chapter is like really long, sorry. Enjoy. *)

"Just one more. Come on one more big push, for me Margaret" the doctor said, baby A had been born, another little boy to add to my family.

I screamed as I pushed, giving up I looked to my husband Richard crying  "I can't do this."

"Yes you can, baby. Just a little longer and you can rest." My husband smiled.

"Come on nearly there." The doctor said as she went back under.

I pushed once more, tried I screamed in pain. This was my 6th kid, and hopefully last one. I'd always wanted a big family. Some boys and some girls. So far all I have had were boys, even baby A who was born 13 minutes ago, was a boy.

I smiled as I hear the cries of baby B

"Congratulations baby B is a girl" The doctor laughed.

"Girl?" Both myself and husband asked

"Yes, a beautiful girl" She smiled brightly "Do you want to hold her?"


The doctor smiled as she handed me my first and only daughter. "It's a girl?"

"Yes, Richard we now have a daughter" I laughed as my husband and I's wish finally came true. A girl. We have a daughter. "Where's baby A"

"Right here" One of the nurses said as she hands me my son. "He's handsome"

I cried as I held my newborn babies.

"We need names, I don't think she'll be to happy later on with the name Benjamin."

"Agreed" My husband smiled, as a nurses came up to us to take them for there check ups and things.


"Everyone here?" Richard asked, as some of the gang, and our family were sitting in the room waiting to meet the kids.

"Yes, Sir"

"Why not Anastasia?" I asked as everyone looked at me.

"No way in hell" Richard laughed.

"Anastasia?" Josephine, my sister-in-law asked

"We would like you all to meet baby A, Alexander, and baby B, still unnamed." My husband paused to look at me. "Our first daughter"

"Daughter?" Everyone yelled

"Yes" I smiled as my 2 oldest boys attacked me in a hug.

"A sister?" They yelled

"Yes, a sister. Would you like to meet them?" The doctor laughed as she walked in holding the twins.

"Here, Margaret, Richard" She smiled handing us our kids. "Both healthy and good to go, after you've named them"

"The boys name is still Alexander Harrison right?" Jonathan asked

"Yes, name we need a name for baby B"

"Alexandra?" Isaac one of the guys from the gang suggested

"Brooklynn?" Anthony my brother-in-law said

"Why not Annabelle? Mamma?" My 7 year old son Jonathan said.

"Annabelle? I like it" Richard laughed

"Annabelle Josephine Margaret Summer" I smiled

"I like it" My 4 year old son Theodore said, making my 3 other sons nod

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