[4] Jennifer? [✔]

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It's been 2 weeks since I last spoke to Jennifer, she still cames to school, tho she's had 3 days off in those weeks. I've tried talking to her, but she runs off or ignores me.

It's really starting to piss me off, cause she was one of my friends not my brothers. Mine.

As I sit in my last class of the day, I can't help but think about Annabelle and what she'd be like now, if she had grown up with us, or what she is like.

Does she still love to sing, and dance? Is she still one of the most loving and kindest person, she was when we were kids? Does her smile still bright up a room? Is she still the stubben girl who hated being told 'No'?

I don't know. Just like, I don't know if she scared and hurt or if she misses us? Or is she happy? Where ever she is? With a new family and new brothers and does she have any sisters? Is she still the youngest, or the oldest or in the middle somewhere? Does she look out for them like she did me?

Was she still scared of the dark? Did she still crawl into someone else's bed when she was scared? Did she still love to watch horror movies? even when they scared her? Did she still love Disney movies? Did she still love to play hide n seek?

Again, I don't know. I wish I did. I wish I knew my big sister. I wish I knew Annabelle, because I know she would be an amazing person no matter what. I wish I knew if she still loved to sing and dance, because she was a hell of a dancer and an even better singer. I wish I knew if she was still the loving person, she was when we still had her. When we still had our sister. When I still had my big sister. I wish I knew if her smile was still as bright and joyful as it was when we were kids. I wish I knew if she was still the stubben girl she was, who wouldn't give anything up without a fight.

I wish I knew if she was scared or hurt, cause I'd be there to help her in a heart beat, just like she was to me.

All I hope is she's happy and healthy where ever she is.

I was pulled from my thoughts as the the bell went, sending us home. I slowly got up, grabbing my bag and heading out the old wooden door.

I slowly made my way, through the dark red halls of Riverhead high, passing through the mast mount of students and teachers, I make it out into the parking lot to see my brothers Nik and Alex by the car with our friends Mason, Kia and the twins Jacob and Joshua. I give them a slight nod as I walk off, wanting some air and not to be stuck in the stuffy car with them.

I slowly walk down the broken concrete sidewalk, as my feet hit the hard concrete I can't help but wonder more, about life. About Annabelle. And about Jennifer?.

Her long blonde hair, her dark chocolate brown eyes. Her rosie cheeks, her freckles. Her average height of 5'6. She was skinny, I though too skinny. Unhealthy. Her dark chocolate brown eyes, always fill with uncertainty. She always hid behind her hoodie, like her sisters. Hidden behind her dark grey, worn out hoodie, hiding from others, herself. From everyone.


It's starting to get dark, when I find myself in a part of town I haven't really been to. Mum always said not to go to this part of town, and I'm starting to know why.

It's was all old, broken and destroyed. Houses had broken windows, broken stairs, gates, and much more. The paint was fadein and chipping. There were drugs and niddles on the side walk, and in the grass. Rubbish was everywhere, all different types of things everywhere. Most houses looked abandoned, all except one a broken down, turquoise house at the end of the street, there was yelling coming from inside, it sound like girls?

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