Fifth Year, The Beginning

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I step out from behind the corner of the brick wall, still nervous about being caught apperating underage. I guess being the daughter of a pureblood has some benefits. I bite my lip nervously and push my bags through the wall. An elf on the other side takes them and I shiver a bit in my large hoodie and running shorts. I look around at the busy platform, filled with parents hugging their kids goodbye and chasing owls they let out by accident.

"Black!" I hear an excited voice yell just as I'm about to board the train. 

I whirl around and see my best friend, Blaise Zabini, running down the platform, bags in hand. 

Although, his stuff soon lands at my feet as he wraps me up in a giant bear hug. 

"Miss me?" He asks and I nod. " 'course Blaise, its never the same not having someone to make fun of me every second of the day" I add sarcastically. He ruffles my hair and releases me from the hug. 

"I think you've grown a bit" He says pulling me back into his chest. 

"Yup almost as tall as me now" He adds after measuring from where the top of my head rested, to around his shoulder. Maybe i did get taller. 

"How was your summer-" I started to ask but was wrapped into another hug mid sentence. Although this one came from behind me.

I smell fresh rain, a hint of cigarette, and cologne. 

"Mattheo!" I say happily and spin around to face him. He kisses my forehead. "Hi my love" He says looking down at me. I smile as he moves a strand of my hair from my face and tucks it behind my ear. 

"Ok there's some serious sexual tension here" Blaise says from in front of us. 

I kick him in the shin and say "we're friends blaise, like always" "ok, sure" Blaise answers sarcastically. 

Mattheo soon wraps Blaise into a hug and the two of them start talking about their summers. 

And then I see him. 

Tall, taller then any boy in our year. That manipulative smirk playing onto his face, his hair neatly parted to the side. His sharp jawline, his cheeks framing a faint smile. And his crystal dark blue eyes starring back into mine. The word handsome wouldn't describe him enough, he was almost- beautiful.

His face lights up when he sees me, the smile now taking control of his expression. Walking over to me, his hair lightly tousled by the wind. 

Tom Marvelo Riddle.

I wrap my arms around his neck and his hands find themselves around my waist. He kisses the top of my head and says "morning darling" 

"I missed you" I say looking up at him. "I missed you too" he says tangling his hands in mine as we walk over too Mattheo and Blaise. 

Mattheo swings and arm around my shoulder and Blaise is in front of us, greeting Pansy. I smile warmly at my beautiful half-sister, already having seen much of her this summer. The two join hands in front of us and we follow them onto the train. 

Eventually finding an empty compartment, the 5 of us sit down, me in between Mattheo and tom and Pansy and Blaise across from us. Mattheo puts an unlit cigarette in his mouth and starts looking for a lighter. "shit" he says, coming up empty. Blaise flicks one over to him and he lights the tip of the cigarette, with the skill of being well practiced. 

When Potter and his friends sneer as they pass, Mattheo throws the still lit cigarette into the hall. 

"Riddle, you could light the train on fire!" The goody-goody Granger exclaims. Mattheo shrugs and closes the compartment door once again. 

Bad Love- a Riddle love triangleحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن