All Over Again

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"Reeve goddammit wake up" I say scrambling to find my uniform as I tighten the hoodie around my waist. "Merlin Rose what time is it" He says sleepliy. 

"That's the problem. Its 8:45. We had classes at 8:30!" I say tossing a tie that looked to big to be mine at him. "Its ok Rosie" He says and walks up to me, placing a hand on the small of my back. 

I sigh and take my clothes into the bathroom, changing quickly. 

"Can we leave now?" I ask as I exit the bathroom, watching him re tie his tie. 

"Of course" He says and kisses my cheek as the door swings shut behind us. "Your hair smells nice. Like summer" He says wrapping his arm around me. I can't help but laugh as the two of us walk into the kitchens to get a bit of breakfast.

After we have tons of coffee and muffins, we start to walk towards care of magical creatures. 

"Late are we?" Hagrid calls out towards us. 

I shake my head and smile and Hagrid smiles back. He had always been particularly kind to me. "Alright then, have a seat" He says and we sit on the log in the chilled winter air. 

"Why we still have this class outdoors while there's snow will always be a mystery to me" I mumble softly to Reeve. "That it is" He says sliding me closer to him and holding me to his side. 

"that it is" I say leaning into him and pulling my knees to my chest and tilting my head to see the lesson. 


"finally lunch" Draco groans as the two of us toss the omen tea cups onto the tray beside us and get up. "that im thankful for" I say. 

We enter the great hall, and the warm sense of past Christmastime is upon us. Draco grabs my arm and drags me to get pie with him, laughing at Filch cleaning bits of it off his own face. 

We walk back over to a lively conversation regarding the status of the assignment due in the upcoming potions class, right after lunch. 

As the discussion goes on, I have already given up for I didn't do it. I find my eyes wandering over to an empty table where Mattheo is, homework scattered in front of him. I find my lips quirking into a smile as I recognize his familiar habit to bite his lip. 

"Hey" Reeve says coming to sit beside me. 

"Hey" I answer, my gaze moving from mattheo to him. 

"Do you want to skip with me? Go hangout in the quidditch bleachers?" Reeve asks suddenly. 

"Are you serious?" I ask smiling. 

"As a heart attack" He smirks. 

I contemplate my thoughts for a second before thinking fuck it. 

"Lets do it" I say and grab my stuff, waving bye to my friends. 


We sit in the bleachers for hours, just talking. 

"Your muggle born, no?" I ask. "Oh yes. Dad's a rubber duck factory owner and Mom cleans cell phones" He says. A confused look fills my face and he laughs. 

"I'm just screwing with you. My mom's gone now, I never really got to know her. And dad's like Voldemort here, but more powerful. He's gained the power of manipulation and stayed clear of any magical enforcements. His mission instead though, is to wipe out the powerful and level the powerless. A useless goal if you ask me, but oh well." He says. 

I laugh and can't help but asking more questions. "Did you go to school?" I ask. 

"Of course. New York, magic capital of America" He says. 

Bad Love- a Riddle love triangleМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя