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It had been almost a month back at Hogwarts. It had been amazing. Blaise, Pansy, Draco, Athena, Spencer, and I spent almost all of our time together, laughing during lessons and studying was too late, forgetting homework until breakfast and living in each other's dorms. 

Other then Spencer's. 

I hadn't talked to Mattheo since that night. We both made sure of it. He was sitting with Astoria, still unaccompanied by lorenzo, who I had yet to see since he was my friend. Reeve was gone, long gone, and he rarely entered my mind anymore. But Mattheo, I still thought of, him staring at Astoria and her laughing at him was a constant reminder. 

As for myself, I finally felt, free. I felt that I was happy with who I was. 

Sure, everytime I stared in the mirror I wondered why Astoria's waist was inches smaller then mine, why her height seemed perfect and her face the right shape with perfect hair. But I felt good, it was nice being alone but surrounded. Because I had my friends, my family, and I had myself. And that's all I felt I needed. 


May 28th

The spring dance was coming up, masquerade themed this year. I was excited for this one, because the anonymous feeling of not knowing whose around you thrilled me. Like wearing a costume, no one would know who you were. You could pretend to be someone else for a night.

We had decided Athena and I would go with Spencer, the three of us as friends. Pansy, Blaise and Draco were going together as well and the six of us planned to hangout the entire time. We needed to find out what color Spencer's suit was going to be though, so that's how I ended up in his dorm at 8 am on a Saturday. 

I snuck into their dorm, and the first thing I saw had my breath caught in my throat. 

I had known of course, that it was probably happening, but never did I think that I'd see Astoria and Mattheo together under the sheets, both sleeping peacefully, her arms around him. I didn't think I'd have to see it, to know the feeling of him being with another girl. 

It hurt. 

Spencer was also asleep, so I had to quietly whisper for him to wake up. And he never does. I roll my eyes and hit him softly on the arm. He flinches and that's when I know he's faking it. "You dumb ass" I whisper laughing quietly as he grabs my waist and pulls me up onto him. 

"No way" I say sitting beside him. 

"Why are you waking me up so early on a fucking Saturday" Spencer asks lazily.

"I need to ask you what color your suit is" I say. 

"White" He answers simply. "Now will you come lie with me?" He asks putting his arm around me. 

"Nice try, but I need to go tell Athena." I say getting up. 

"Bye angel" He calls after me, his eyes still not open as I leave. 


That's what he called me.

I kept walking. 

I couldn't turn back. 

But I know mattheo heard it. 

I know.


Pansy Athena and I were ready by 10 that morning, heading out to the beautiful stores in Hogsmeade. 

"what color was it again?" Athena asks. 

"White" i say flipping through black dresses, as the two of us were going to wear black while he wore white. I don't know why, but it felt fitting. 

Bad Love- a Riddle love triangleWhere stories live. Discover now