The Ball

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The loud echoing sound of Pansy's alarm rang through our dorm, unusual for a Saturday morning. It was half past ten, and Pansy & Daphne started to wake up. I stayed in the same spot, looking at the wall and thinking about tonight. Our first school dance. I couldn't wait, like a child on Christmas. 

"C'mon Rosie," Pansy says tossing a pillow at me and trying to untangle the hair elastic she left in her own hair. 

"Shit!" Daphne yells from the bathroom. "What's up?" Pansy and I chorus together. "I have frizzy hair today," She says with an exasperated sigh. "Oh my god, you're stunning. We'll help you later," Pansy calls out. 

I laugh and the three of us gather by the mirror. 

"Its today" I say. 

"Yeah" Daphne deadpans and we all laugh. 

The dance starts at 6, so I planned to be back in the common room around three.

Only Pansy, Daphne and I had slept in Pansy and I's room last night, in order to get our beauty sleep which apparently included staying up until past one talking about dress predictions. 

The plan for the day was breakfast, then to pack for the break, then to get ready, go to the ball, and go to the Riddle's mansion right after. It was gonna be a long, but amazing day. 

I smiled to myself as I looked in the mirror, thinking about Mattheo. 

We all got ready in casual clothes and headed down stairs for breakfast, opting to eat outside and enjoy the beginning of winter changing the Hogwarts grounds. It was pretty really, the first snowfall only a few weeks prior. 

We all made our way from the common room to outside, most of the Slytherins in out grade with us. We all sat and ate, talking about our plans for the break and things we should all do. 

"Please, only a bite!" Tracy asked as Blaise shook his head. 

"Half a bite" She reasoned. 

"Fine" Blaise said and smiled, letting her take a big bite of his croissant. 

"I hate you" Tracy scoffs at Blaise.

"I wish I had someone to give me bites of food" Pansy says dramatically. 

"I've got you Pans" I say laughing as she collapses into my lap. 

"You're literally going to the ball with Cedric, golden hufflepuff boy," Daphne reasons. 

"Yeah, but he's not my boyfriend or anything. He's over there with his stupid friends. Pucey's even looking good right now" Pansy says sourly. 

"Pans, make Pucey jealous. He'll come to his senses" I say laughing and picking up Mattheo's fork, stealing a bite of waffles. 

"True. He was talking about you" Theo comments kissing the top of Evie's head.

"Mate, your supposed to be the good influence on Pansy" Mattheo says and Blaise agrees laughing. 

"My mistake" Theo says laughing. 

"Mm, good point Theo" Pansy says with a smirk. 

I hide my smile with a bite out of my toast.


After breakfast, we all headed up to our dorms to finish packing for the holiday. 

"Screw this. I'll just buy everything" Pansy says jumping onto her bed face down, already tired with the efforts of packing. 

"What about the environment," I say dramatically. I swear we both did this every year, giving up several times before we finally manage to seal out trunks.

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