Requirement Of Love

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A loud knock on the door forced us to pause our discussion of Gatsby vs Buchanan and snap back to the reality of Saturday morning at Hogwarts.

"Mate, you up?" Blaise's voice sounds from outside of the hallway.

Draco gave me his hand and helped us both up as he made his way to the door.

"Oi, you look like you slept well," Blaise said looking Draco up and down.

"Oh shut up," Draco says laughing to himself yet still rubbing his eyes.

"I'm here because riddle told me Rose was. I just wanted to give her a change of clothes and ask if we're still on for studying after lunch on Monday," Blaise said.

"Darling, Monday with Blaise? On or not?" Draco called out.

"On!" I called from his bed, flipping through photographs from last night in the student's paper.

Shortly after some quiet conversation, I heard the door shut and Draco brought me a fresh set of clothes.

"God saves Blaise," I said as I grabbed the comfortable tank top and sweatpants from Draco's arms. Changing quickly, I put on the same shoes from last night and wrapped my still-damp hair into a bun.

"You're going to get sick running around with wet hair," Draco says tossing his hoodie.

"Thanks," I say with a smile. Draco changes rather quickly and we both head down to the common room to see what our friends are up to for the day.

Entering the room, I see Mattheo sitting in a chair near the corner, writing in that black book of his. Seeing me, he raises his hand and gives me a light wave. I smile in return and continue to walk to the couch. Sitting down, I realize I forgot my wand in Draco's room and leave to go get it.

It takes a few minutes to find my wand, but eventually, I do and shove it into my back pocket.

Leaving the room, I hear intense whispers around the corner in the opposite direction from the common room and instantly recognize the voices as Draco and Mattheo. 

"She's so pretty compared to the other girls in our year. Pretty inside and out you know?" Draco says tauntingly in a whisper. 

"You know she's mine," Mattheo says hushedly. Draco smirks and scoffs. 

"So you like her now? You were with her?" Mattheo says angrily. "I'm glad you're agitated. I think you and I both know I could if I wanted to, but really, pissing you off is all I need from her. Parkinson's got better legs anyway," Draco says tauntingly. 

I hear Mattheo hiss words at Draco, and I hear Draco's quiet scream after I assume Mattheo hits him. But everything blends as I around the corner, and grab Draco by the collar, pulling him close to me.

"Nothing" I whisper.

Pressing my finger into his chest, I whisper "You are nothing. And I fucking hate you." I roughly push him back and he hits the ground and I nod to Mattheo, the two of us leave.

We walk in silence down the stairs and through the hallway until we reach the entrance of the great hall. Dodging to the left, I close my eyes and think of where I want to be. 

Opening my eyes, the wall in front of me is open to a large bright room, with books and bean bags everywhere. Leather couches line the interior and I sit on one. 

Putting my head in my hands, I let out a frustrated sigh. 

It wasn't about fucking Draco Malfoy. Well, maybe some of the things he said were because body image was something I'd always struggled with. But he was a fucking idiot. I just hated that I believed him and hated that he had seen me vulnerable, that he had tricked me. He made me feel stupid.

I see Mattheo enter the wall the same way I did.

Mattheo pulls me into his side and wraps an arm around me, as we both sit on the floor, holding each other. I just felt tired of other people. I didn't care, but I just wanted to be around Mattheo. 

"I'll miss us being us you know," I say sadly. "What are you talking about love?" Mattheo asks. 

"We're growing up. Everything's different now. I'll fall in love at some point, but I wish had someone, someone like you" I say softly. 

"Love, what do you mean? You'll always have me" he says, his eyes connecting with mine.

"But you'll fall in love with someone too. And when something falls, like a glass, for example, the people around it get hurt too. I just don't want to lose you" I say.

"What if I've already fallen?" Mattheo says.

I feel my heart drop down to my stomach, trying to push away the rising jealousy. 

"I think about her a lot. About how we fit together, about how everything's just so easy when we're together, everything just feels right. It feels like we're meant to be, meant to be in love" he says, his mind somewhere else but eyes staring back at me. 

I nod, even though I didn't understand. I thought of Tom. Honestly, I thought of Tom. 

 Because when Tom Riddle told a girl he loved her, they could bet their life on solely that fact. 

"She's lucky," I say, my tone lower than a whisper as Mattheo wipes the tear off my cheek. I transport my mind back to Mattheo. 

"My love, how can you not see it?" he asks me. "See what?" I ask scoffing, almost sarcastically. 

"You're the girl. You're my girl." Mattheo says softly, saying each syllable softly. 

My eyes widen as I feel butterflies fly through my body. This boy, Mattheo Riddle, was my best friend. The person I trusted in this world. And I knew firsthand he knew how to treat a woman. 

You see, the thing about falling, is you don't feel too bad until you're broken. So at the moment, I felt myself getting swept up in the pure happiness radiating off me as I connected his lips and mine. 

I've never been a big believer in love. But what I felt in that moment, that feeling, I do hope everyone has at least once in their lifetime. I stay there, in his arms for what feels like forever. We talk, talk about everything that's gone on. Everything. 

And I finally feel less alone. 

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