Dead Family Trees

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i love you all so much. thank you for all the reads and votes my loves <3


"Where did he go?" Blaise asks, his mouth still half full with pancakes. The great hall shone with morning sunlight as we discussed the dissapearance of our friend more then weeks later, all together. I think we all understood, just hoped for more of an answer. 

Everyone at the table shrugs. Tom was in the library, cramming for some sort of test, and Reeve was twirling his wand under the table. 

"Do you know where he went?" I asked Reeve, turning to my side. He had experience with this sort of stuff, the 'mafias' of the wizarding world. 

"No" He answered sharply, his movement ceasing and cold eyes pressing into mine. 

"Are you ok?" I ask, noting his icy tone. 

"Just fine" He says and grabs his stuff, leaving the hall. I know his mind was somewhere else. Where, I didn't know. 

"What's his deal?" Pansy asks sliding into Reeve's empty seat. 

I shrug, asking myself the same question. 

"Its friday, where's the party tonight?" I ask. 

"the hufflepuff's tonight" Pansy answers. 

"Its supposed to be a good one too" Blaise shouts over the other voices. 

"Invite?" I ask. 

"When has that stopped us?" Blaise asks with a wicked smile and winks at me. 

"Never" I answer smiling. Never. 


I hear the loud bass of You Shook Me All Night Long echoing from the kitchen, tapping the wall three times and gaining entrance to the bright common room. 

The musics loud, as hufflepuff parties are usually the largest. I smile as I see Blaise in the corner, heading over to him. 

"Dance?" I ask and the two of us walk out to the floor. 

He spins me around and the two of us move together, laughing at everyone and singing along to lyrcis we know. 

I feel like out of our friends, the two of us were solely focused on having fun. We always seemed to end up leaving last and making plans, dreaming in class and smiles filling our faces most of the time. It might be because the weight of the death eaters isn't forcingly on our shoulders. 

"Anyone up for a little game?" Cedric Diggory shouts out above the sea of people. 

"Yeah" Most of us echo back, walking over to the couches pressed against the wall. 

I see some of our other friends. Pansy, Tom, Draco, and Reeve. His mood seems to have lightened since this morning, light laughter spreading onto his rosy cheeks. 

He catches my stare and his expressions softens, his eyes asking to speak with him, nodding to the door. 'Later' I mouth to him and walk to join the circle of everyone playing. 

"Most likely too?" Lavendar Brown asks. 

"I'll start" Harry Potter volunteers. 

"Most likely to get married, school sweet hearts" He says winking at Ginny. 

"Cho and Cedric!" Some yells out and both their faces go rosy. 

"Most toxic relationship" Amy says. 

Alot of eyes glance at me, and I catch Tom's stare, motioning to go outside with me. I nod and stand up, accidently kicking Amy's drink onto her shirt. 

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