The End Of Fifth

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 I found myself back at school, fear shaking through me as I find my dorm, the corridors still dark. It was almost 2 in the morning. 

I closed my eyes before I had a chance to worry about anything else, drifting to sleep. 

Reeve's Pov

I fucked up. 

I killed my father. 

I can't go to Rose anymore. 

I had left the manor just after she had, except I found myself wandering the snowy streets of Hogsmeade instead. My head turns to the only source of light in the street, coming dimly from the Leaky Cauldron. I walk inside and order a butterbeer, then sit in the booth in the corner, watching the snow fall outside numbing my mind. 

The door chimes in the almost empty bar as Tom and Mattheo walk in. Just who I needed to see. I turn to my side and focus on changing my appearance, ending up with dark hair and olive skin. My mother, who I never had the pleasure of truly knowing, had passed the gene of a metamorphmagus. I hear them sit in the booth beside me. 

"What are we supposed to do now? She's obviously not ok, but I can't go see her" Mattheo says. 

"I don't know if I can either. We left on ok terms, but I think she'll be mad I didn't tell her. And there's the deal of that Williams boy" Tom says. 

"He never should've been fucking close to her" Mattheo says, his teeth clenched. 

"I know" Tom says taking a long sip out of a shot glass that looked a lot like fire whiskey. 

"Is she staying with us over the holiday?" Mattheo asks. 

"I hoped so. But I doubt it now." Tom says. 

"I miss her." Mattheo said. 

He loved her. Only a fool could miss the way he spoke of her. I slammed my drink down and walked out of the bar, the cool snow hitting my hair as I shift back into my normal self. 

What do i do now?


 Rose's Pov

Weeks had passed since the meeting, and final exams were forthcoming, so the castle was usually quiet in the late nights. Focusing on just one task too study seemed about impossible even with Tom by my side drilling facts into my mind. The two of us made potions and floated objects. We had talked, about the meeting. It was all ok now. We were ok. Mattheo wasn't returning to school. He found no need for his education, nor the social aspect of life. 

Probably just hours alone in that empty manor. 

One particular night, Tom and I were studying on the balcony on the second floor. I don't know why were there, in that random location but we seemed to have stopped and sat down. The spring breeze blew through our notes, but we managed to continue focusing on the lives of Mandrakes. 

"Come quick!" Blaise shouts in the hallway. We both turn to see the source of the sound, and see our best friend, Blaise Zabini, motioning us forward. 

"What's happening?" I ask laughing leaving my notes behind. "Trust me you'll want to see this" Blaise yells running ahead of us. 

"Go on, I'll get everything" Tom says smiling softly. 

"Thank you" I say and kiss him on the forehead quickly, then run off with Blaise. 

"Where are we going?" I call out trying to catch up to him. 

"Common Room" He yells back. 

I fight a laugh coming on as I see dreched Slytherin students running out. 

"What happened?" I ask once we slow down outside the door. 

"We wanted to play on a water trampoline. Status" Blaise says and the stone wall opens up. Water rushes out soaking us both as I widen my eyes and walk inside, the water up to my waist. 

I see the trampoline in the center of the room and can't help but laugh, then jump on it myself. 

Draco jumps and flips off the trampoline, crashing down into the water below him. The couches and books and tables and everything float below us as we jump up and down, slightly swimming. 

"What is going on" I hear Snape yell, his voice halting all the laughter. 

"Run" I whisper as Pansy and I take off. 

"Where do you think you're going. Come back!" Snape yells as we leave the common room. "C'mon Pans! Up" I say and we run up, trying to escape the rising water. 

"What happened?" Tom asks when we reach the second floor. 

"Snape's mad, the water line broke and the lake flooded" Pansy says bursting out in laughter. 

Eventually we join her, as Tom pulls me close to his side. 

"You're soaked" He says. "You are too" I say, realizing his shirt was not wet because of me. 

"That was crazy" I say letting out a deep breath as I sit down on the balcony, letting the fresh air wash over me. 


"As some of you may know, last night damage was done to the Slytherin common room. For the five years Mr. Zabini, Ms. Black, Ms. Parkinson, Mr. Nott and all the others of that friendgroup have attended hogwarts, many problems have arose. You all need to stop causing trouble, or the headmaster may be involved" Snape says to all the Slytherins before we go down to breakfast. 

He hadn't told Dumbledore. Anything. Thank god. 



The rain had stopped from April, and flowers began to bloom everywhere. The stress of exams was balanced by the light-hearted, non-scheduled days filled with fun and relaxation. 

We waited for our results, exam after exam, until the closing banquet. 

We said goodbye once again, and just like that the seventh years gone, first now second, and us now sixth. We were doing it, going through life. Our little family, broken up again. 

"Just for the summer. And we'll hangout regardless" Draco says. 

"Just for the summer" We all echo. 

I'd miss living in the dorms, so close to one another. It always hurt a little to say goodbye. 

Only until next year.

Only through the summer. 

Only for a little while. 


The sunroom was filled with canvases everywhere, weather on the floor or hung up. I was wearing a light white tee shirt and grey shorts my hair still messy, as I had woken from a dream with new inspiration. 

I was in a little country house, my bed just the room over. It was small and comfortable, and peaceful filled with natural light. 

It was the perfect place to spend summer holidays. 



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