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This is my first time writing fanfic. I hope you like it, sorry if you don't. This is just for fun but I'm more than open to constructive criticism. The story won't follow the events of the manga exactly and some details may be different or off. In this Levi is 19 (but still has all the standing, skill and importance he has in the manga) and (Y/N) is 17 - but if you want him or yourself younger or older feel free to just pretend its that way.

I'll try to update as regularly as I can but it won't always be possible so just bear with me. The prologue isn't long, you can skip over it if you want. 

That's all for now I think.



"What's that noise?" I turn to look at Mikasa, who is sprawled across the grass, drinking in the sun. A loud shuddering shakes the ground again and I try to stand. "Eren! Armin!" I call, looking around to my friends. They stumble towards me and I reach out to steady Mikasa as she stands. The ground shakes violently and we race back towards our village. People start screaming then. We all skid to a halt and look to the wall. My heart stops cold and fear rips through me. A Titan. I'd never seen one before but I was sure that this wasn't what they normally looked like. This one was taller than the wall. An explosion shatters through the air, knocking us all to the ground. The screaming starts anew, reaching a higher level than before.

"It's broken through the wall!" I hear someone yell.

"The Titans are coming!"

The Titans are coming? No, impossible. But people are running, and screaming. and crying. Then I hear them. Then I see them. I have to find my parents. I bolt off in the direction of my house, dodging and squeezing my way through the crowds. For once grateful for my small, slight body. I try to ignore the sounds of death and destruction around me. Our town is being decimated. I turned the corner and sprinted down my street. Then stopped. My house was destroyed. I screamed and started running for the ruins. My parents had to be alive, they couldn't be dead. They just couldn't. Then an arm wraps around me and I'm lifted off my feet.

"Let go!" I screech, tears stinging my eyes. I had to get to my parents. But the grip is strong and won't let me go.

"It's too dangerous!" a gruff voice shouts. One of the members of the Garrison. "We need to get you out of here!"

"But my parents!" I plead.

"Your parents are dead."

"(Y/N)!" I hear someone call. Armin. "(Y/N)!" I wiggle out of the soldiers arms, nearly getting trampled by the crowds as I struggle to my feet. I try to spot my friend in the crowd.



I see him then. He runs for me and grabs my arm. "We need to go!"

"My parents!" I sob as we dart through the streets towards the boat. Where are Eren and Mikasa? I wonder distantly.

Everything blurs together and I vaguely remember being thrown onto a boat with Armin. At some point we reunited with Eren and Mikasa. As the boat departs I peak over the railing. Crowds of people through the riverside, begging to be let aboard. And behind them... Titans.

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