Chapter 8

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(Y/N)'s Pov

There is a loud banging on my door. I grin, knowing exactly who it is. I adjust my Scouts clock as I amble over to the door. I wait until the last second to open it, so that Levi nearly falls through the open doorway. "Good morning, Captain," I chirp. 

He blinks at me, looking me and down, clearly surprised that I was up and dressed. "You weren't in the mess hall," he says, his usual cool monotone slightly gravelly with the the early morning. 

"Oh I'm sorry about that, I decided to eat in my room." I nod to the plate and bowel on my dresser. I smirk at him. "I hope you didn't miss me too much, I didn't realise you would be so put out by my absence." 

He clenches his jaw. "You're late. We have to go." 

"Actually," I say, stepping out into the hall and closing the door behind me. "I'm early, by 5 minutes. So, no feeding me to a Titan today. Sorry to disappoint. I'm sure you'll get me next time though, sir."

"Tch," he scoffs and starts walking down the hall. I follow, whistling brightly to myself. 

"Stop that," he orders, not deigning to look at me and instead staring straight ahead. 

"Stop what, sir?" I ask, widening my eyes in mock innocence. 

"Whistling, brat."

"But of course, sir." I stuff my hands into my pockets, making sure to keep in step beside him. We walk in silence. HQ is quiet at this hour. Not that's it's really any busier at any other time. The Scouts numbers are at an all time low at the moment, apparently. Good thing the 104th trainees are coming today. I brighten at the thought. I can't wait to see my friends again. I told Eren yesterday, he's got stable cleaning duty today so maybe he'll see them come in. 

"Will the 104th trainees be coming on the 57th expedition?" I ask, glancing at Levi. 

"Tch, why are you asking?" he responds, like I'm the biggest inconvenience in the world. Which, to him, I suppose I am. 

"Curious, they're my friends after all."

"Yes, they will be. Now shut up."

I blink, a smile curling the corner of my mouth. "Not a morning person are you?" Or maybe just not a 'me' person.

"Tch," he grunts and  keeps walking.

---------- Time Skip ----------

We've strapped on our ODM gear and are now riding for the wall. We haven't spoken since leaving HQ and the extensive silence is getting to me. Mainly because all I can think about is the fact that we're going outside the walls into Titan territory with basically no backup. I chew on my lip, nerves thrumming through me. We're nearing the wall. Soon we'll be out and into Titan territory. This really is ridiculous. I've no idea why Erwin thinks this is a good idea. We're going to get eaten. 

"Stop that," Levi orders. 

I glare at him, what am I doing wrong now? Can't he just let me stew in my anxiety for two seconds. "Stop what?"

"Being nervous."

I laugh bitterly. "Yeah?  And why don't you stop being short."

He glowers at me, lips pressing into a thin line. "Another-"

"Week of cleaning your office?" I interrupt. "You're getting predictable, Captain."

"What have I told you about that tongue of yours?" 

I give a wolfish grin and open mouth to make a wildly inappropriate comment about 'that tongue of mine' when Levi puts his hand up and snaps, "Don't answer that." Ah, the elf was learning. 

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