Chapter 20

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I am so exited. To such an extent that I think Hanji - Hanji - is worried for my mental wellbeing. That's probably not a good sign. But I don't care. I'm out on a mission, I'm finally going to do something that's not babysitting Eren in the woods. We're just outside Wall Rose, out in Titan territory looking for Bertholdt and Reiner. It's dark out, quiet, eerily so. But I'm such a good mood about being out and about that it doesn't bother me. Against everyone's protests Erwin has decided to join us on the mission too. It's not that we don't want him here, it's just that he lacks an arm and this could potentially be dangerous. And if he dies we're all fucked. 

Our hoods are up, casting most of our faces in shadows. A chill runs through the air, sending a shiver skittering down my spine. The hair on my arms and the back of my neck stand on edge. We're getting closer to the wall now. There are 10 of us out here in total. Enough to take on the odd Titan should we encounter one. Although with Levi here we'll probably be fine. I glance at my captain and partner. He rides just in front of me, keeping formation with Hanji behind Erwin. As if sensing my attention he turns around and offers me a subtle nod. I return it, smiling softly. I roll my shoulders and continue on. 

I'm not quite sure what I'll do if I encounter Reiner and Bertholdt out here. Part of me still can't believe that they're traitors. That they... they're the reason my parents are dead. I grip my reins tighter. They were my friends. All that time in the Training Corps, they acted like we were one and the same. That they actually cared about us. They were my friends. And they betrayed me. Betrayed us.

A new sense of rage is instilled in me and I decided then and there exactly what I'm going to do when we find them . 

There's a crack somewhere in the distance and everyone's head snap up simultaneously to look in that direction. We raise our lanterns and listen out intently. I hold my breath, not daring to make a sound. I instinctively lean a little forward in my seat, closer to Levi in case something happens. I could've sworn he leans a little back towards me as well. 

That familiar thud thud thud of Titan feet fill the air and we all draw our blades. It's too dark to see much but as we listen a breeze drifts by and blows the clouds across the sky, revealing the moon. The landscape is illuminated now, and we can see all to clearly the horde of Titans stampeding towards us.

Muttered curses, including several of my own, rise from the group. 

"On my mark," Erwin murmurs. 

I tense and grip my reins, preparing to launch into a gallop. My gaze slips to Levi. He's already watching me. We share a look. Levi will be going with Erwin, I won't. When we split I'll be going with the second group, as instructed by Erwin. The aim being to half the horde and making them easier to deal with. But it'll be ok, we'll see each other again. This is just another mission. 

"Ready...and... NOW!" Erwin orders, and immediately the entire party breaks in two, half going left, half going right. I don't have time to get one last look at Levi. The sound of hooves pounding the ground and thundering of the Titan fill my ears. I focus on the mission for now. 

Just as hoped the hordes cleaves in two. 6 going for us and 4 going after the others. We drag the Titans as far away from the others as we can. Out in the open it'll be hard to take them on. Honestly it still freaks me out, these new class of Titans, the ones that can still function at night. Still, if we can outrun them it'll be fine. 


These Titans are fast though, faster than anticipated. That's not good. 

"Eye in front, Y/N!" one of the other Scouts shouts to me. 

I nod and do just that, focusing on getting away rather than fighting. I peer out into the night, ahead of us dark shapes start to rise up. I start to curse, thinking they're Titans, but as we move closer I see that they're not Titans, but houses. A village. 

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